The Liberal Conservative Alliance Shudders As Osborne"s Budget Hits Workers
This is about as unfair as it can get.
Liberals surely will not enjoy being party to the wage cuts and job redundancies that will occur as the public spending axe falls.
Where will their social consciences sit when workers hit to the streets in protests reminiscent of Thatcher's eighties? And with VAT going up to 20%, the only people who will feel the pain will be those on low incomes.
Meanwhile investors and businessmen have been given the benefit of lower tax rates and a much lower capital gains tax than the Liberals had originally wanted.
Though the pension link to wage rises might seem as welcome news, this is laughable given that there are unlikely to be significant pay rises anywhere in the near future and given also that people are going to have to work for more years before they even qualify for a pension.
This is cynical politicking by the Tories and will not be going down well with the Liberals.
The only people who are going to get off paying anything towards the economic shambles left by the banks are the bankers and CEO's, many of whom were directly responsible for the financial disaster in the first place.
Going about our daily lives, worrying about how to pay basic bills, it is easy to forget how we got into this mess to begin with.
Being manipulated by the news media into expecting a decade of deprivation, we might even be fooled into being grateful at some of the cuts being made.
The British are very good at putting up with hard times.
But the fact is that while most of us were happily motoring along running businesses and doing our jobs, building up nest eggs for the future, a group of unscrupulous money men were busy ruining the economy for the sake of their own gain.
Now we are paying twice over for that ignominy.
The Liberals traditionally were on the side of the have-nots, but since they got into bed with their new political allies they must be wondering at the direction the country is being taken and what they can now do to defend long held principles.
It would be cynical to suggest that some of them will be bought off, but the possibility exists.
Given that their political influence will wane as the Tories become more entrenched, who will stand up for the have-nots in future?