Pigeons And Their Diseases

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Neighbors often complain about the places where these animals nest (balconies and dormers, especially), also from the noise produced by their movements and lullabies, but one of the major drawbacks generated by these birds in cities due to their droppings. Not only because of the unpleasant odors, but the irreparable damage that they cause to buildings, sculptures, monuments, fountains, plazas and parks. There are many companies offers different kinds of bird control products or pigeon extermination products.

Not only its accumulation causes aesthetic problems, but the organic matter in their waste is highly corrosive to possess uric acid, which acts to produce structural damage and oxidation, especially on stone and metal architectural elements. Furthermore, their droppings cause slips and falls, and obstruct gutters, drains and contaminate water tanks.

This is not the only conflict that leads to the coexistence in the city with these birds, pigeon bird pests can also transmit diseases (there are about 40 diseases associated with this animal). That is why we have to educate or we shall ask pigeon bird control exterminators or experts before we purchase pigeon control products.

In its old plumage ticks, bedbugs, lice, kissing bugs, fleas and many other kinds of ectoparasites that can transmit to humans and pets, and are harmful to health. Through their droppings are moved fungi, bacteria and parasites that pollute the environment. They are best known diseases of "pulmonary histoplasmosis," the "cryptococcosis", "Salmonella" and "psittacosis" (cause fatigue, fever and headache, and treated with common antibiotics), all of which are transmitted by direct contact , or dry stools and be transported by air, people come to inhale a microscopic dust that is sufficient to cause disruption and cause infection.

Diseases transmitted by pigeon droppings

The droppings of pigeons, especially pertaining to this type of bird a fortiori given the quantity and volume of bowel movements, represents a serious threat to the architectural elements and metal especially stone, except that if the density of pigeons is high can kill green areas.

This is because the organic matter in the stool contains significant acidic components, primarily phosphate and uric. Pigeons are monogamous birds habits that build their nests in church steeples, cornices or eaves of buildings, but rarely in trees. These nests, meanwhile, are home to lice and in rural areas, kissing bugs. We must be conscious that some bird diseases can be transmitted to humans through the droppings of pigeons, although for most these are not serious.

Infectious agents can be protozoa, fungi, bacteria, chlamydia or viruses. Individual susceptibility and seriousness of these infections by microbes varies with age, health status, immune status and even if early therapy intervention is requested. The ability of microorganisms to cause an individual to contract a disease varies with the virulence of the organism, the dose at which a person is exposed, and the path of Chlamydia infection, salmonellosis, colibacillosis arizonosis and infections are more Traditional pigeon droppings spread and most are treated in hospitals and clinics. Chlamydiosis, salmonellosis, eastern equine encephalitis and avian tuberculosis can be very serious illnesses and even lifelong treatment.

Among some diseases are:

-Chlamydiosis: caused by a bacterium called "Chlamydia psittaci.

-Salmonellosis: one of the 200 serotypes of species'Salmonella. "

-Colibacillosis: caused by infection of Escherichia coli.

-Infections Arizona (Arizonosis): caused by the bacterium Salmonella Arizona.

--Eastern Equine Encephalitis: caused by an RNA virus of the genus Alphavirus.Histoplasmosis: (Histoplasma capsulatum) given by fungi growing on soil enriched with manure pollos.Criptococosis: (Cryptococcus neoformans): another fungus that grows in soil with bird droppings. Criptoporidiosis: caused by a protozoan of the genus Cryptosporidium.Allergic Alveolitos: is also called the "disease of the lung of the Dove" and, in zoonotic diseases, is one of the most important.

Routes of spread of disease

Describing one of the diseases that are spread Tarver of pigeon droppings have more detail, such as chlamydiosis, we found that in some countries like the U.S., is a major problem in turkeys, pigeons and parrots.In Europe, this occurs in ducks and geese. Constitutes a global disease that affects hundreds of bird species. Not all have the same degree of susceptibility: the turkeys are the most affected, while the chickens are more resistant. Transmission occurs by inhalation of dust contaminated bird droppings that was previously disseminated by carrier birds.

This disease is caused by a bacteria called Chlamydia psittaci, which is a common agent in the body. In humans and birds causes "Ornithosis." The human-human transmission occurs primarily by exposure to saliva and manifests as a febrile respiratory illness. Those affected are treated with tetracycline for a period of 21 days. It is important to maintain low levels of calcium intake and the antibiotic tends to link to certain minerals.

Persons having birds in their homes should be aware that certain diseases can through pigeon droppings or feathers. The frequency of disease transmission from birds to humans is low, but children and the elderly, should take precautions. Many of these diseases are transmitted by ingestion or contamination by fecal material. The prevention of most diseases, therefore, simply involves hygiene.

Different Kinds of Bird Control

Bird Control Spikes, Bird Gel, Bird Traps, Bird Repellents, Ultrsonic Divices, Bird Nets and many moreā€¦
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