Maxoderm Review - Comparing Various Top Male Enhancement Products with Maxoderm
This article will compare some of the more popular products, Viagra, Golden Root Complex, and Enzyte with Maxoderm, a new, non-traditional male enhancement lotion.
Viagra is one of the first male enhancement products to hit the market.
It was originally intended to treat a disease involving high blood pressure, but it was not effective.
Instead, clinical trials found that it was able to induce erections.
Thus it became the biggest name in this industry.
However, it requires a prescription and there are many health issues associated with its intake.
Common side effects include headaches, stomach problems, visual changes, and more.
Rarer but very serious side effects include stroke, hypotension, and even death.
FDA has already reported many deaths due to Viagra.
Because of this, many people with even minor health complications cannot take it.
And besides, erectile dysfunction may be a problem, but its certainly better than dying.
Golden Root Complex, commonly known as the herbal blue pill, is a relatively new male enhancement pill.
It uses a combination of 15 different herbs that are aphrodisiac.
Because herbs are natural ingredients, the product doesnt require a prescription.
Its allowed to be sold over the counter in the UK, where it originated, and it is also available from many online retailers.
There are many positive reviews for this product, other than some minor side effects which include headaches and burning sensation in the genital area.
But the pill does not provide any long term results, and has to be taken for approximately one hour before sex for it to take effect.
Each pill costs close to $4 and this can add up for more sexually active individuals.
Enzyte is a male enhancement product which claims to work better than Viagra.
Its created from a mixture of herbs, minerals, and vitamins.
Many of the ingredients are also found in other, non-sexual herbal supplement products.
The effective of Enzyte hasnt been proven scientifically.
At first, the product advertised that it would permanently increase penis size, but when many buyers tried to claim a refund, the company did not honor most of the requests and changed their advertising instead.
There is much controversy surrounding this product, and many consumers consider it a scam.
Last but not least is Maxoderm.
Maxoderm is a lotion thats applied directly to the penis, and most users feel improvement in firmness and sensation in less than a minute.
It also does not carry side effects because its never consumed.
Long term use of the product can also provide permanent improvement, but the effect can slowly fade if usage stops completely for a long period of time.
Maxoderm, as compared with the other three male enhancement products, has more benefits and not as many unnecessary side effects.
For more information, please visit the Maxoderm review [http://www.