Need Help With Your Retirement Plans?
Can American Association of Retired Persons Help You Plan for Retirement? What can men do to get ready for the life-style changes that are created by retirement? In an article on the American Association of Retired Persons web site, Dr.
Rosalind S.
Dorlen of Summit, New Jersey says she believes that men - before they retire - should develop a written plan for what they want to do in retirement.
The plan, she said, should resemble the business plans or strategic plans that many men routinely create at work.
Creating a "Business Plan for Retirement," Dr.
Dorlen said, will help men identify potential problems in advance, allowing them time to obtain professional help from a retirement counselor or life-style coach.
You may be able to find such a person within the American Association of Retired Persons' organization.
What is the American Association of Retired Persons, and can they help you? The Washington Post calls it "the influential seniors group.
" The New York Times calls it "the influential lobby for older Americans.
" They're speaking of the group that used to call itself the American Association of Retired Persons.
It now calls itself simply by the initials because some members objected to the term "retired.
" That should be one indication that the members are not all "senior" or "older.
" The American Association of Retired Person's magazine describes itself as the world's largest circulation magazine, serving "the needs and interests of people 50 and over.
" Being 50 doesn't sound too old or senior.
The circulation, 22 million, and the membership, around 35 million, are impressive.
Those numbers alone would seem to validate media claims that this is an "influential" group.
But those assumptions would be in error.
Many sign up with this organization because of the discounts on such things as hotel rooms and car rentals.
They have no idea what the organization does politically, and many don't care.
Recent evidence shows that writers for gay rights, pornographic, and pro-drug magazines have taken control of the magazine (we'll save that for another article).
Planning for retirement is something most people do not do, or they think that having a 401k, or some other retirement account, is all they need.
Many do not take into consideration housing or health care, two very important needs, but most often overlooked.
Is staying in my current residence right for me? Is moving into a retirement community the best place to live? What happens if I get sick? Who will take care of me, and where will I live? These are important questions that can be answered, and planned for, before retirement.
Besides housing and healthcare planning there needs to be a plan to stay active.
A person can only watch so much television, play so much golf, or play so many games of cards.
There needs to be plenty of activities to not only keep the mind sharp but also keep the body healthy.
James "Chip" Long of Little Rock, Arkansas said, "When a person retires, there is a void that is left in their life.
" Finding ways to fill that void, Dr.
Long noted, is one of the most challenging aspects of adjusting to retirement.
He recommends that people approaching retirement sit down with a mental health professional or other adviser to discuss what they expect from retirement and how they plan to spend their time.
When he is consulted, Dr.
Long said, he puts the emphasis on activities that are varied but meaningful.
" There is only so much golf that one person can play," he said.
The American Association of Retired Persons may not be able to help, but planning for your retirement is important.
I believe that's what this organization was created to do, to help the aging baby-boomers navigate the coming retirement, although that may not be what its current agenda looks like.
Whether you become a member or not, there is still a lot of good information available on their web site (you may just have to navigate through all the rhetoric).
If you don't like the American Association of Retired Persons, or you do not like their agenda, there are other options for retirement.
One that many people are turning to is a home based business.
If you're looking for more information on a home business, contact me, or click on one of the links below.
Rosalind S.
Dorlen of Summit, New Jersey says she believes that men - before they retire - should develop a written plan for what they want to do in retirement.
The plan, she said, should resemble the business plans or strategic plans that many men routinely create at work.
Creating a "Business Plan for Retirement," Dr.
Dorlen said, will help men identify potential problems in advance, allowing them time to obtain professional help from a retirement counselor or life-style coach.
You may be able to find such a person within the American Association of Retired Persons' organization.
What is the American Association of Retired Persons, and can they help you? The Washington Post calls it "the influential seniors group.
" The New York Times calls it "the influential lobby for older Americans.
" They're speaking of the group that used to call itself the American Association of Retired Persons.
It now calls itself simply by the initials because some members objected to the term "retired.
" That should be one indication that the members are not all "senior" or "older.
" The American Association of Retired Person's magazine describes itself as the world's largest circulation magazine, serving "the needs and interests of people 50 and over.
" Being 50 doesn't sound too old or senior.
The circulation, 22 million, and the membership, around 35 million, are impressive.
Those numbers alone would seem to validate media claims that this is an "influential" group.
But those assumptions would be in error.
Many sign up with this organization because of the discounts on such things as hotel rooms and car rentals.
They have no idea what the organization does politically, and many don't care.
Recent evidence shows that writers for gay rights, pornographic, and pro-drug magazines have taken control of the magazine (we'll save that for another article).
Planning for retirement is something most people do not do, or they think that having a 401k, or some other retirement account, is all they need.
Many do not take into consideration housing or health care, two very important needs, but most often overlooked.
Is staying in my current residence right for me? Is moving into a retirement community the best place to live? What happens if I get sick? Who will take care of me, and where will I live? These are important questions that can be answered, and planned for, before retirement.
Besides housing and healthcare planning there needs to be a plan to stay active.
A person can only watch so much television, play so much golf, or play so many games of cards.
There needs to be plenty of activities to not only keep the mind sharp but also keep the body healthy.
James "Chip" Long of Little Rock, Arkansas said, "When a person retires, there is a void that is left in their life.
" Finding ways to fill that void, Dr.
Long noted, is one of the most challenging aspects of adjusting to retirement.
He recommends that people approaching retirement sit down with a mental health professional or other adviser to discuss what they expect from retirement and how they plan to spend their time.
When he is consulted, Dr.
Long said, he puts the emphasis on activities that are varied but meaningful.
" There is only so much golf that one person can play," he said.
The American Association of Retired Persons may not be able to help, but planning for your retirement is important.
I believe that's what this organization was created to do, to help the aging baby-boomers navigate the coming retirement, although that may not be what its current agenda looks like.
Whether you become a member or not, there is still a lot of good information available on their web site (you may just have to navigate through all the rhetoric).
If you don't like the American Association of Retired Persons, or you do not like their agenda, there are other options for retirement.
One that many people are turning to is a home based business.
If you're looking for more information on a home business, contact me, or click on one of the links below.