How to Backflush an Espresso Machine
- 1). Place a blind filter into the group handle of the espresso machine. Normal filters will have an opening so the water and espresso can pour out. A blind filter does not have an opening.
- 2). Add one teaspoon of espresso machine cleaner into the blind filter. Secure the group handle into place on the group head.
- 3). Press the brew button or the manual override. The button to use will depend on your machine. Press and hold down the button for three seconds and then release. This causes the water to flow int o the group handle. The blind filter forces the water back into the machine, creating a back-flush.
- 4). Repeat holding down the button and back-flushing the machine eight times.
- 5). Take off the group handle. Remove and rinse the blind filter that was placed in the group handle. Proceed with cleaning the espresso machine.