Facts About the Human Face
- It is difficult to discern exactly how many muscles are in the human face, because many are extremely small and they often overlap. Most estimates range from 40 to 90.
- The human face can create 5,000 expressions. People can read even the slightest nuances and changes in facial expression and their attitudes and responses are affected by those subtle changes.
- Human beings are designed to interpret and understand facial expressions at lightning speed, at large distances and with great accuracy. You can distinguish a friend and whether they are surprised or happy to see you from 150 feet away within a fraction of a second.
- A person can recognize a smile from 300 feet away. Smiling is the most easily recognizable facial expression that we have, and is seen in every culture worldwide. Smiling reduces stress, can lower blood pressure and even makes us appear younger and more attractive. Smiling releases endorphins and signals to our body that all is well.
- You cannot control all the muscles in your face. The truth is always there in some form. Trying to control the muscles in your face results in mixed signals, which leads to others being unsure about your intentions. Even the best liars will give themselves away eventually. Changing how you feel inside will change your expression on the outside.
Reading Faces
The Power of the Smile
The Truth is in Your Face