Pressure Sore Treatment For All Stages - Discover the Simple Secrets to Healing Pressure Sores
A Pressure Sore is a skin wound caused by pressure, shear or friction.
It occurs when pressure reduces or cuts off the blood supply to a particular part of the body for lengthy periods of time.
Prevention is always the best form of protection from pressure sores.
There are cases, though, where even with the best preventive measures in place, these sores still stubbornly occur.
In such cases, the utmost care must be taken to prevent further damage and breakout.
As well as prevent the present sores from degenerating any further or becoming infected.
It is important to work with the relevant health specialists - doctors, nurses and various health workers - To make this happen effectively.
We can group pressure sores into stages, depending on how far gone the damage to the skin cells are: Grading from Stages One to Four - Four being the most severe.
Stage 1 Pressure Sore Symptoms - This is a persistent area of inflamed but unbroken skin, that may itch or hurt.
It feels warm and spongy, or firm to the touch.
These symptoms warn of an oncoming pressure sore.
Treatment - The treatment for a Stage 1 pressure ulcer is almost always bed rest, as it is important to stay off the pressure sore to allow healing.
Stage One pressure wounds are superficial and go away shortly after the pressure is relieved.
It can be cleaned with warm (not hot) water and a mild soap.
Stage 2 Pressure Sore Symptoms - The skin is discoloured, irritated and swollen.
This is often with an open sore which is tender and painful.
At this stage some skin loss has already taken place - usually in the outermost layer of the skin; in the skin's deeper layer; or in both.
Treatment - Stage 2 sores can be treated by medication and protective coverings, under the advice of a physician or wound specialist who may be a nurse or a physician.
If treated promptly, a stage Two sore will usually heal fairly quickly - usually within 2 months, with proper treatment.
With quick detection and treatment, usually by removing the source of pressure and practicing good hygiene, there is no reason for a pressure sore to develop into a stage 3 - 4 sore.
Stage 3 Pressure Sore Symptoms - At this stage, the ulcer has extended through all the skin layers, down to the muscle, destroyed the affected skin tissues and created a deep wound hole.
This wound hole reaches, but does not go through, the muscles.
There may be little or no pain as a lot of tissue and nerve-endings would have been destroyed.
All pressure sores need to be treated early, before it get to this stage.
Here, it is difficult to treat and can lead to serious complications.
Treatment - A stage 3 sore must be treated immediately by medical professionals or it will progress into Stage 4 - with even more life threatening complications.
Treatment includes flushing the wound with a sterile solution to remove all loose, dead skin tissues; A constant cleansing and changing of wound dressings; Electrical Stimulation and Surgery - To close the wound, fill in the dead space and distribute pressure off the bone.
Stage 4 Pressure Sore Symptoms - This is the most serious and advanced stage of a pressure sore.
The pressure ulcer has become so deep, that there is damage to the muscle, bone and even supporting structures such as tendons and joints.
Most of the skin being damaged beyond repair.
Stage 4 pressure wounds are extremely difficult to heal.
The wound gives off a putrid smell, and a tunneling which often times results in internal organs becoming visible.
They can lead to lethal infections.
Treatment - During and after treatment, the wound sometimes take months to heal.
If a persons' nutritional and fluid intake is poor, the wound may not heal at all.
It is tough to heal a stage 4 pressure sore.
The treatment often involves long-term dressings, a special bed, medications, (including antibiotics if there is insufficient healing), and as a last resort - Surgery.
These are the simple secrets to the prevention and healing of pressure sores.
Simple and easy to do.
So simple in fact, it would be a shame for you not to avoid the Pain, Agony and Risk of Infections associated with it.
Healing a pressure sore takes team effort - On your part, that of your doctor/ care givers' and on the part of your loved ones - and support.
The earlier it is detected and relieved, the greater the chances that the sore will heal on its own without any lasting effects.
It occurs when pressure reduces or cuts off the blood supply to a particular part of the body for lengthy periods of time.
Prevention is always the best form of protection from pressure sores.
There are cases, though, where even with the best preventive measures in place, these sores still stubbornly occur.
In such cases, the utmost care must be taken to prevent further damage and breakout.
As well as prevent the present sores from degenerating any further or becoming infected.
It is important to work with the relevant health specialists - doctors, nurses and various health workers - To make this happen effectively.
We can group pressure sores into stages, depending on how far gone the damage to the skin cells are: Grading from Stages One to Four - Four being the most severe.
Stage 1 Pressure Sore Symptoms - This is a persistent area of inflamed but unbroken skin, that may itch or hurt.
It feels warm and spongy, or firm to the touch.
These symptoms warn of an oncoming pressure sore.
Treatment - The treatment for a Stage 1 pressure ulcer is almost always bed rest, as it is important to stay off the pressure sore to allow healing.
Stage One pressure wounds are superficial and go away shortly after the pressure is relieved.
It can be cleaned with warm (not hot) water and a mild soap.
Stage 2 Pressure Sore Symptoms - The skin is discoloured, irritated and swollen.
This is often with an open sore which is tender and painful.
At this stage some skin loss has already taken place - usually in the outermost layer of the skin; in the skin's deeper layer; or in both.
Treatment - Stage 2 sores can be treated by medication and protective coverings, under the advice of a physician or wound specialist who may be a nurse or a physician.
If treated promptly, a stage Two sore will usually heal fairly quickly - usually within 2 months, with proper treatment.
With quick detection and treatment, usually by removing the source of pressure and practicing good hygiene, there is no reason for a pressure sore to develop into a stage 3 - 4 sore.
Stage 3 Pressure Sore Symptoms - At this stage, the ulcer has extended through all the skin layers, down to the muscle, destroyed the affected skin tissues and created a deep wound hole.
This wound hole reaches, but does not go through, the muscles.
There may be little or no pain as a lot of tissue and nerve-endings would have been destroyed.
All pressure sores need to be treated early, before it get to this stage.
Here, it is difficult to treat and can lead to serious complications.
Treatment - A stage 3 sore must be treated immediately by medical professionals or it will progress into Stage 4 - with even more life threatening complications.
Treatment includes flushing the wound with a sterile solution to remove all loose, dead skin tissues; A constant cleansing and changing of wound dressings; Electrical Stimulation and Surgery - To close the wound, fill in the dead space and distribute pressure off the bone.
Stage 4 Pressure Sore Symptoms - This is the most serious and advanced stage of a pressure sore.
The pressure ulcer has become so deep, that there is damage to the muscle, bone and even supporting structures such as tendons and joints.
Most of the skin being damaged beyond repair.
Stage 4 pressure wounds are extremely difficult to heal.
The wound gives off a putrid smell, and a tunneling which often times results in internal organs becoming visible.
They can lead to lethal infections.
Treatment - During and after treatment, the wound sometimes take months to heal.
If a persons' nutritional and fluid intake is poor, the wound may not heal at all.
It is tough to heal a stage 4 pressure sore.
The treatment often involves long-term dressings, a special bed, medications, (including antibiotics if there is insufficient healing), and as a last resort - Surgery.
These are the simple secrets to the prevention and healing of pressure sores.
Simple and easy to do.
So simple in fact, it would be a shame for you not to avoid the Pain, Agony and Risk of Infections associated with it.
Healing a pressure sore takes team effort - On your part, that of your doctor/ care givers' and on the part of your loved ones - and support.
The earlier it is detected and relieved, the greater the chances that the sore will heal on its own without any lasting effects.