Building Attraction Through Conversation - Here Is How To Get A Girl Easily Attracted To You Fast
So let's say you talk to a girl, and you spend all night with her, but by the end of the night the conversation has gone completely dry, and then both of you feel really awkward. I am sure this has happened to you, but guess what.... that's not what is supposed to be happening! In fact, what should be happening is that the conversation should effectively be heightened throughout the night, to the point where both of you are having so much fun that you don't want to end the night! Let me show you exactly how you can accomplish this by building attraction in any conversation...
--It's easier than it looks- You may take a big "gulp" at the thought of having to even try and build attraction in conversation, let alone keep things rolling smoothly, but the fact of the matter is, if you can do the first part, the second part will come naturally. You see, all attraction really is, is simply the ability to grab her emotions into yours so that you feel great around each other. So how do you feel great around each other? Well simply put, you have fun!
--Having fun is not being boring- It's not fun to sit there and having to answer grueling questions like "where did you grow up?", or "what do you like to do in your spare time?". Trust me, she hates having to ask these kinds of questions as well, but women will resort to this kind of general talk when they have nothing else to do. But what you should really be doing, is picking topics which can engage both of you, as well as make both of you smile and laugh.
--The easiest way to start things off- The easiest way to start things off, is to simply add a touch of humor to the conversation, whilst being a bit confident. Humor does not mean that you should instantly start joking about yourself and cutting yourself down to try and impress her, as in the end it makes her think there is something wrong with you as well. Instead, what you can do, is simply joke about her. She will feel like meeting your approval the instant you show her that you don't put her up on a pedestal, and it also builds attraction, because she will try and figure you out now.
--Examples: Some good examples of these attraction builders are teasers. Teasers will tease her, but at the same time won't completely insult her so that she feels mad. You actually want to be able to play around with her emotions, because it means you can effectively get through to her and effectively communicate with her, if you can. A great example of this would be to use some cocky lines and playful gestures...such as the following:
o Touch her face, and say there's something on it. Then go "oh's just your makeup, it's crooked. But trust me, it still looks great"
o Grab her hand and say "Wow, your hand is soft" Then grab her other hand and say "But how come this hand is bigger?"
o Grab her jacket and attempt to put it on and say "Man, I'm cold. I am so glad you finally offered me your jacket, but it smells funny... are you a smoker?" and put her jacket back.
The point here is to get her "going", so that she feels at ease around you, because you are confident, and yet she feels engaged, because each of these examples gives her a chance to respond back and get herself "going" into the conversation, which in turn helps to build the attraction.
Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!...Trust me...You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read-- Click Here.
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--It's easier than it looks- You may take a big "gulp" at the thought of having to even try and build attraction in conversation, let alone keep things rolling smoothly, but the fact of the matter is, if you can do the first part, the second part will come naturally. You see, all attraction really is, is simply the ability to grab her emotions into yours so that you feel great around each other. So how do you feel great around each other? Well simply put, you have fun!
--Having fun is not being boring- It's not fun to sit there and having to answer grueling questions like "where did you grow up?", or "what do you like to do in your spare time?". Trust me, she hates having to ask these kinds of questions as well, but women will resort to this kind of general talk when they have nothing else to do. But what you should really be doing, is picking topics which can engage both of you, as well as make both of you smile and laugh.
--The easiest way to start things off- The easiest way to start things off, is to simply add a touch of humor to the conversation, whilst being a bit confident. Humor does not mean that you should instantly start joking about yourself and cutting yourself down to try and impress her, as in the end it makes her think there is something wrong with you as well. Instead, what you can do, is simply joke about her. She will feel like meeting your approval the instant you show her that you don't put her up on a pedestal, and it also builds attraction, because she will try and figure you out now.
--Examples: Some good examples of these attraction builders are teasers. Teasers will tease her, but at the same time won't completely insult her so that she feels mad. You actually want to be able to play around with her emotions, because it means you can effectively get through to her and effectively communicate with her, if you can. A great example of this would be to use some cocky lines and playful gestures...such as the following:
o Touch her face, and say there's something on it. Then go "oh's just your makeup, it's crooked. But trust me, it still looks great"
o Grab her hand and say "Wow, your hand is soft" Then grab her other hand and say "But how come this hand is bigger?"
o Grab her jacket and attempt to put it on and say "Man, I'm cold. I am so glad you finally offered me your jacket, but it smells funny... are you a smoker?" and put her jacket back.
The point here is to get her "going", so that she feels at ease around you, because you are confident, and yet she feels engaged, because each of these examples gives her a chance to respond back and get herself "going" into the conversation, which in turn helps to build the attraction.
Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!...Trust me...You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read-- Click Here.
Feel free to use this article as long as the links are kept live.