Discover the Necessary Vitamins For Hair Loss Prevention
Hair loss is a huge problem for both men and women and although there can be genetic factors behind losing your hair there can also be other factors too and one of those factors can be that we are not getting enough vitamins for hair loss prevention.
Even if you try and eat the recommended five portions of fruit and veggies per day, because of the way food is grown now it is very often lacking in the vitamins and minerals that were once found in them, so to boost them we need to supplement and here are the vitamins for hair loss that you should take: The first one is Retinol which can be found in vitamin A, this is believed to be helpful but you need to use caution when taking this as you have to have the dosage you take matching your frame size.
Recommended dosages are 10,000 IU's for small frame up to 25,000 IuU's for a large frame.
The main vitamin thought to be beneficial against hair lost though is the B Vitamin, two in particular though B6 and Biotin.
Vitamin B6 helps to increase oxygen in the blood flow and also for metabolizing protein, and these are the two building blocks for all of your cells but particularly hair: it also helps your body under stressful situations and stress can actually cause hair to fall out.
Biotin is again essential for the growth of new cells and is particularly linked to skin, nails and hair.
Vitamin C can also help, but again be aware of your dosages; you need somewhere between 300 - 400mg of this vitamin.
Another recommended vitamin for hair loss that you need to be aware of the dosages of is E; make sure you do not exceed 800mg of this vitamin.
The last one is vitamin H, which in all truth is a B vitamin, and this vitamin is strongly linked to slowing down hair loss.
Also if you are lacking in this vitamin then it will show up through hair loss as well.
For best results you need to take this along with other B vitamins and you probably need about 300mg.
Those are the vitamins that are rumored to help combat hair loss the most, and if you do decide to use them please make sure you consult with your doctor beforehand to get the correct dosages for your frame.
Even if you try and eat the recommended five portions of fruit and veggies per day, because of the way food is grown now it is very often lacking in the vitamins and minerals that were once found in them, so to boost them we need to supplement and here are the vitamins for hair loss that you should take: The first one is Retinol which can be found in vitamin A, this is believed to be helpful but you need to use caution when taking this as you have to have the dosage you take matching your frame size.
Recommended dosages are 10,000 IU's for small frame up to 25,000 IuU's for a large frame.
The main vitamin thought to be beneficial against hair lost though is the B Vitamin, two in particular though B6 and Biotin.
Vitamin B6 helps to increase oxygen in the blood flow and also for metabolizing protein, and these are the two building blocks for all of your cells but particularly hair: it also helps your body under stressful situations and stress can actually cause hair to fall out.
Biotin is again essential for the growth of new cells and is particularly linked to skin, nails and hair.
Vitamin C can also help, but again be aware of your dosages; you need somewhere between 300 - 400mg of this vitamin.
Another recommended vitamin for hair loss that you need to be aware of the dosages of is E; make sure you do not exceed 800mg of this vitamin.
The last one is vitamin H, which in all truth is a B vitamin, and this vitamin is strongly linked to slowing down hair loss.
Also if you are lacking in this vitamin then it will show up through hair loss as well.
For best results you need to take this along with other B vitamins and you probably need about 300mg.
Those are the vitamins that are rumored to help combat hair loss the most, and if you do decide to use them please make sure you consult with your doctor beforehand to get the correct dosages for your frame.