How Can You Tell If a Tattoo is Infected - Warnings That You Are Playing With Fire?

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The worst thing in the world is getting something new and then realizing that it may be defective.
You feel so disappointed and feel like you wasted your time getting it in the first place.
How can you tell if a tattoo is infected? Many new tattoo getters wonder this very same question.
Luckily it isn't extremely hard to tell.
Just read on further to find out immediately whether you fall into this category or not.
First off, have you noticed any redness? This simple sign alone can spell disaster for you and your tattoo.
Take a nice long look at it to see if this symptom is present.
Next, Do you notice any tenderness in the area.
When you first get a tattoo it will have a slight tenderness to it.
Though after a couple of days it should not be any where as tender as it was initially.
If when you touch it you feel extremely tender this could be sign of something worst underneath it all.
Then, have you noticed any unnecessary swelling.
Your tattoo should not be blowing up to the size of a balloon.
This is a sure fire sign that something is wrong with your tattoo.
When you take a look at it you should not have to ask how can you tell if a tattoo is infected? You will just know at that point.
Another one of the tell tale signs that there is something wrong is puss.
Do you notice that fluid oozes out of it? This may look white, green, or yellow in the color tone.
It generally also has a smell that comes with it as well.
All of these combine should send you straight to the doctor's office.
Luckily there are antibiotics that will take care such pains from your new addition.
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