Awesome Site For Free Premium Accounts Giveaway
Premium accounts giveaway:
We've found an great blog when I was searching the internet , Premium Accounts Giveaway is the name of the site, they are giving daily premium accounts to one lucky winner. You can see what sites are supported to claim your prize.
If you win you can claim for a Rapidshare, Megaupload, Fileserve, DepositFiles, Mediafire, Hotfile and some others hosting sites premium accounts..
To enter the Premium accounts giveaway contest you need to download a file which changes every day, then you need to send an e-mail to saying what was inside the file, and also paste your IP addres.
If you aren't sure of what your IP address is, you can check it on
That's it! You're participating now.
All accounts are paid accounts, and all of them are legaly bought, no hacked or cracked accounts, you will receive a brand new account for 1 month. Chances are really high.
You can enter the giveaway just ONCE a day. If you try to send an e-mail from other address and it's the same IP you will be disqualified.
In order to validate your participation
Additionally,You can increase the probability of winning by following ways:
Stumble their homepage ( ) and bookmark it to (Both allotted 1 point each)
Step 3. When you've completed the above steps:-
Comment on this post with your e-mail or send an e-mail to
If you have stumbled or bookmarked on,make sure you include your user id in the comment or e-mail.
Winners will be chosen Randomly using
So what are you waiting for? Enter now!
Enter the site:
Welcome to Premium Accounts Giveaway
This is the first round of many premium accounts giveaway that we will be making here in our site.
Rules are simple, you just need to download a file, in this case THIS FILE. After downloading the file, you need to send an e-mail to with all the text included in the downloaded file. Also you will need to put you IP address. If you aren't sure what your IP address is, go to and there you should be able to find your ID.
Premium accounts giveaway:
If you win you can claim for a Rapidshare, Megaupload, Fileserve, DepositFiles, Mediafire, Hotfile and some others hosting sites premium accounts..
To enter the Premium accounts giveaway contest you need to download a file which changes every day, then you need to send an e-mail to saying what was inside the file, and also paste your IP addres.
If you aren't sure of what your IP address is, you can check it on
That's it! You're participating now.
All accounts are paid accounts, and all of them are legaly bought, no hacked or cracked accounts, you will receive a brand new account for 1 month. Chances are really high. Daily giveaway.
You can enter the giveaway just ONCE a day. If you try to send an e-mail from other address and it's the same IP you will be disqualified.
Additionally,You can increase the probability of winning by following ways:
Stumble their homepage ( ) and bookmark it to (Both allotted 1 point each)
Step 3. When you've completed the above steps:-
Comment on this post with your e-mail or send an e-mail to
If you have stumbled or bookmarked on,make sure you include your user id in the comment or e-mail.
Winners will be chosen Randomly using
So what are you waiting for? Enter now!
Enter the site:
We've found an great blog when I was searching the internet , Premium Accounts Giveaway is the name of the site, they are giving daily premium accounts to one lucky winner. You can see what sites are supported to claim your prize.
If you win you can claim for a Rapidshare, Megaupload, Fileserve, DepositFiles, Mediafire, Hotfile and some others hosting sites premium accounts..
To enter the Premium accounts giveaway contest you need to download a file which changes every day, then you need to send an e-mail to saying what was inside the file, and also paste your IP addres.
If you aren't sure of what your IP address is, you can check it on
That's it! You're participating now.
All accounts are paid accounts, and all of them are legaly bought, no hacked or cracked accounts, you will receive a brand new account for 1 month. Chances are really high.
You can enter the giveaway just ONCE a day. If you try to send an e-mail from other address and it's the same IP you will be disqualified.
In order to validate your participation
Additionally,You can increase the probability of winning by following ways:
Stumble their homepage ( ) and bookmark it to (Both allotted 1 point each)
Step 3. When you've completed the above steps:-
Comment on this post with your e-mail or send an e-mail to
If you have stumbled or bookmarked on,make sure you include your user id in the comment or e-mail.
Winners will be chosen Randomly using
So what are you waiting for? Enter now!
Enter the site:
Welcome to Premium Accounts Giveaway
This is the first round of many premium accounts giveaway that we will be making here in our site.
Rules are simple, you just need to download a file, in this case THIS FILE. After downloading the file, you need to send an e-mail to with all the text included in the downloaded file. Also you will need to put you IP address. If you aren't sure what your IP address is, go to and there you should be able to find your ID.
Premium accounts giveaway:
If you win you can claim for a Rapidshare, Megaupload, Fileserve, DepositFiles, Mediafire, Hotfile and some others hosting sites premium accounts..
To enter the Premium accounts giveaway contest you need to download a file which changes every day, then you need to send an e-mail to saying what was inside the file, and also paste your IP addres.
If you aren't sure of what your IP address is, you can check it on
That's it! You're participating now.
All accounts are paid accounts, and all of them are legaly bought, no hacked or cracked accounts, you will receive a brand new account for 1 month. Chances are really high. Daily giveaway.
You can enter the giveaway just ONCE a day. If you try to send an e-mail from other address and it's the same IP you will be disqualified.
Additionally,You can increase the probability of winning by following ways:
Stumble their homepage ( ) and bookmark it to (Both allotted 1 point each)
Step 3. When you've completed the above steps:-
Comment on this post with your e-mail or send an e-mail to
If you have stumbled or bookmarked on,make sure you include your user id in the comment or e-mail.
Winners will be chosen Randomly using
So what are you waiting for? Enter now!
Enter the site: