Can I Draw Supplemental Social Security After Retirement?
- The Supplemental Security Income program is available to individuals who have qualifying disabilities such as blindness or paralysis. When you qualify for the Social Security Disability program, you may also be able to receive benefits from the Supplemental Security Income program. When you qualify for this program, you can receive a monthly benefit to help supplement the amount of money that is received from Social Security Disability and from any other private disability insurance that you may have.
- When you reach retirement, it should have no negative effect on your ability to receive Supplemental Security Income benefits. You can be eligible for both Supplemental Security Income and for regular retirement benefits from the Social Security Administration. Your eligibility to receive benefits from the Social Security retirement program depends on whether you paid enough into the system while you were working. If you paid enough into the system, you can get a monthly check for SSI and for Social Security retirement.
- Once you start to receive benefits from the Supplemental Security Income program, it does not necessarily mean that you will keep receiving them for the rest of your life. Periodically, you will have to go through an evaluation to determine if you are still eligible. During this evaluation, known as a continuing disability review, the Social Security Administration will look to make sure that you are still disabled. If you pass the test, you can continue to receive benefits.
- Whether you are eligible for Supplemental Security Income after you reach retirement age will also depend on what other income you have. If you are entitled to a pension or funds from another retirement plan that you earned while you were working, you may not be eligible for benefits from the SSI program. To get SSI, you must have a low income. For instance, as of the time of publication, you had to make less than $1433 per month if your income was only from wages. If your income is not from wages, it must be below $694 per month.
SSI Benefits
SSI and Social Security
Maintaining Eligibility
Other Income