Male Reproductive System Terminology and Conditions
Here are some basic anatomy terms and issues with the male and female reproductive systems.
In the male the scrotum is a sac that hangs behind the penis.
The scrotum is divided by a septum and is covered with skin.
The scrotum has a divided section that includes a testis, a duct and the epididymis that leads to the pelvic cavity.
The scrotum functions to hold the testes outside of the body.
The scrotum must be kept at a constant temperature that is cooler than the internal temperature of the abdominopelvic cavity.
The scrotum draws the testes closer to the body when the body is exposed to cold temperatures.
When a man has a fever the scrotum lowers the testes.
When it is hot outside, the scrotum gets loose and floppy to give off heat and when it is cold the scrotum shrinks.
The penis is made of three separate structures with latin names.
The corpus cavernosum penes, the corpus cavernosum urethra and the prepuce.
Circumcision is the removal of the prepuce or foreskin.
The testes are male gonads.
Testes produce sperm and the hormone testosterone.
One of the ducts of the penis the epididymis, is about 16 feet of tube coiled around the surface of each testis.
The epididymis leads to the ductus deferens and carries sperm from the epididymis to the common ejaculatory duct.
The vas deferens extemds from the testes about 18 inches into the abdomen where it forms the common ejaculatory duct.
This duct opens into the urethra and the urethra carries semen through the penis to the outside.
The glands are excretory glands that produce thick, white, alkaline fluid that is secreted during ejaculation.
The seminal vesicles, prostate and bulbourethral glands produce seminal fluid.
Semen is alkaline because sperm can swim.
The prostate gland is the size of a chestnut.
Sometimes the prostate can swell and obstruct the urinary tract.
The prostate sometimes enlarges and sometimes develops cancer.
The prostate is screened by a blood test called PSA Prostatic Serum Acetate to check for acetone in the blood to see if a man has an enlarged prostate.
The PSA is a digital exam done rectally that can identify the enlargement of the prostate.
The doctor would enter the man's body through the rectum and the probe touches the prostate from the inside and they can determine from that if the prostate is enlarged or not.
With one ejaculation millions of sperm can come from the epididymis.
Sperm is a Greek word meaning "seeds of the animal".
Sperm have a head, neck and a tail with each sperm being a single cell.
The tail is what helps the sperm swim.
The sperm of the male determines the sex of the baby with either an X or a Y chromosome on the 23rd chromosome.
Benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH is when the prostate gland becomes enlarged.
Benign prostatic hypertrophy or cancer of the prostate is the most common form of cancer in the United States among men over the age of 50 years.
BPH treatment is based on the size and location of the cancer and would include a BPH PSA test or surgery or radiation.
Testicular cancer presents to men in their 40s.
Testicular cancer treatment includes an orchidectomy or removal of the testes.
The symptoms are nonpainful swelling of the testes, back pain and abdominal pain.
If the disease is advanced testicular cancer develops and includes weakness, weight loss, and possible metastasis of the cancer occur.
Testicular exams should be done monthly by men and the men are looking for little nodules in their testes.
A monthly breast exam on men should also be done.
Infertility is the inability to conceive and there are numerous causes.
Some of the causes of male infertility are infections, structural abnormalities of the reproductive organs, tumors, low sperm counts as normally there are millions of sperm in one ejaculation, immotility of sperm, acid alkaline imbalance of the semen or the vaginal or cervical mucosa.
Some of the causes of female infertility are hormonal disturbances, disturbances of the menstrual cycle and absence of ovulation.
Whenever it is discovered that a couple is infertile the investigation always begins with the male because the tests for the females are more numerous and costly.