Why Natural Penis Enlargement Works Best
These are sometimes a good thing dependent on what you are after, with me and my clients we were after an all natural approach that we could do with our hands.
After some searching around, applying different methods and routines I finally settled on two exercises which were very effective and I still use to this day.
With products like extenders for example you are faced with a device that does in fact work and can potentially add inches to your little guy, however you will be looking at around 6 to 8 months before you see any change.
But with natural enhancement your looking at a few weeks at the most.
For years I tried pills and creams but to no avail these caused me to be out of pocket and also down hearted on the whole process, luckily for me I kept seeing the same natural exercises cropping up again and again.
These methods were used all over the world, developed on to make super methods and sold on some websites.
They are the Jelq an Kegel methods, these are greatly used for lengthening, widening and strengthening, also the Kegel for instance is used for producing more semen and also preventing premature ejaculation.
I would most certainly recommend you do this at your own leisure, take no more than 15 minutes per routine and be sure to warm up prior to each one.