Stop Asking "Why Am I Tired All the Time?"
Why is it some people seem to have boundless energy and are happy, energetic and seem to live life at 100% while you feel burnt out, run down and asking why am I tired all the time! Is it that these people are luckier? Do not work as hard? Get more sleep than you? The answer is not as simple as that ...
Some people have hit upon the secrets to staying energetic.
They may have a much better perception of their energy levels and lifestyle than others and they apply it and enjoy the benefit of feeling good and energetic which flows on to all parts of their life with success and happiness because they are in the right frame of mind.
How do they do this is mixture of different lifestyle decisions that include diet, exercise and very importantly how you sleep.
Diet and exercise are nothing new, we all know eating well and exercising is good for us and if you do not exercise much and eat too much junky food then I would say fix that first! The lesser known aspect of energy levels and tiredness is how we sleep which has a few important parts to it.
Sleep Cycle: Every person has a sleep cycle that lasts a few hours averaging about four hours; some have shorter cycles and some longer so this varies a great deal but it is integral to understanding sleep patterns.
When we go to sleep our brain goes through a number of changes becoming slower and slower into what we refer to as a deep sleep in the middle of the cycle and then raises again at the end of the cycle.
Since we aim to get about eight hours sleep because the average cycle is four hours we get two cycles a night.
IF you wake up during the deep sleep time you throw everything out of whack and can start feeling very tired and if this continues it gets worse.
Sleep Window We also have what is called a window of sleep when our body is telling us it is ready to go to sleep, some people respond to this very well and nod off, or go to bed but many people in this age of instant media fight these urges to watch TV, play computer games, get work done finish that chapter in that book and so forth.
When we miss this window the brain starts gearing up again making it hard to sleep until that window approaches again.
Forcing yourself to sleep when you have missed a window is another problem that leads to people asking why Am I tired all the time.
Some people have hit upon the secrets to staying energetic.
They may have a much better perception of their energy levels and lifestyle than others and they apply it and enjoy the benefit of feeling good and energetic which flows on to all parts of their life with success and happiness because they are in the right frame of mind.
How do they do this is mixture of different lifestyle decisions that include diet, exercise and very importantly how you sleep.
Diet and exercise are nothing new, we all know eating well and exercising is good for us and if you do not exercise much and eat too much junky food then I would say fix that first! The lesser known aspect of energy levels and tiredness is how we sleep which has a few important parts to it.
Sleep Cycle: Every person has a sleep cycle that lasts a few hours averaging about four hours; some have shorter cycles and some longer so this varies a great deal but it is integral to understanding sleep patterns.
When we go to sleep our brain goes through a number of changes becoming slower and slower into what we refer to as a deep sleep in the middle of the cycle and then raises again at the end of the cycle.
Since we aim to get about eight hours sleep because the average cycle is four hours we get two cycles a night.
IF you wake up during the deep sleep time you throw everything out of whack and can start feeling very tired and if this continues it gets worse.
Sleep Window We also have what is called a window of sleep when our body is telling us it is ready to go to sleep, some people respond to this very well and nod off, or go to bed but many people in this age of instant media fight these urges to watch TV, play computer games, get work done finish that chapter in that book and so forth.
When we miss this window the brain starts gearing up again making it hard to sleep until that window approaches again.
Forcing yourself to sleep when you have missed a window is another problem that leads to people asking why Am I tired all the time.