Is Blepharoplasty a Painful Procedure?
There are inevitably two questions asked for any plastic surgery - is it safe and will it hurt. It may be safe, but is blepharoplasty a painful procedure?
Blepharoplasty is not exactly a painful procedure. This cosmetic surgery is performed under local anesthesia. Following the procedure there could be a burning sensation in the eyelids which should disappear after an hour. Pain that will occur after this period is dealt with by pain medication.
No Major Issues or Side Effects
Depending on the extensiveness of the surgery, there would be swelling for several days following the procedure. The bruising can be concealed by sunglasses and patients can return to work in five days. The incisions for upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery) are made in the upper eyelid's natural crease, while for lower blepharoplasty the incisions are made under the eyelashes or sometimes on the inside of the eyelids. But the incisions heal well and would disappear soon if performed deftly by expert hands.
Innovation Increases Safety and Efficiency
Modern tools and methods have made most cosmetic surgery procedures safe, minimally invasive and less cumbersome. Cosmetic eyelid surgery is no exception. Following the post-surgery instructions will help improve the healing process and prevent complications or the need for another touch-up operation.
The lower blepharoplasty procedure where the incision is made on the inside of the eyelids causes only less swelling and bruising along with the added benefit of the scars always being hidden. But this can be carried out only in cases where fat alone needs to be removed and not the skin. It is also not always advisable for patients above 50 years of age.
Blepharoplasty Is an Outpatient Procedure
Not only is modern blepharoplasty safe, it is also very convenient. If performed alone, without other procedures such as brow lift or browpexy, blepharoplasty can be an outpatient procedure and the patient can go home following the surgery that lasts for an hour or more. When there are both eyelids (lower and upper) that need to be worked on, it becomes a little more extensive but even then it is an outpatient procedure.
Safety Precautions
The safety features of modern plastic surgery procedures apply for blepharoplasty also, with incidents of blood clots and infection being extremely rare. But the patient must not consume NSAIDs and aspirin or aspirin products around the time for surgery since these could bring about excessive bleeding. An experienced plastic surgeon would obviously explain these matters during the initial consultation.
With a reputable plastic surgeon and dedicated staff of an AAAASF-accredited center, there is the greatest chance of safety with your cosmetic eyelid surgery. The experience and deftness of a plastic surgeon is particularly important for lower eyelid surgery because of the complex anatomy of this part of the human body.
Blepharoplasty is not a painful procedure and in good hands is a very safe and effective means to restore youthfulness and vigor to your eyes.
Blepharoplasty is not exactly a painful procedure. This cosmetic surgery is performed under local anesthesia. Following the procedure there could be a burning sensation in the eyelids which should disappear after an hour. Pain that will occur after this period is dealt with by pain medication.
No Major Issues or Side Effects
Depending on the extensiveness of the surgery, there would be swelling for several days following the procedure. The bruising can be concealed by sunglasses and patients can return to work in five days. The incisions for upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery) are made in the upper eyelid's natural crease, while for lower blepharoplasty the incisions are made under the eyelashes or sometimes on the inside of the eyelids. But the incisions heal well and would disappear soon if performed deftly by expert hands.
Innovation Increases Safety and Efficiency
Modern tools and methods have made most cosmetic surgery procedures safe, minimally invasive and less cumbersome. Cosmetic eyelid surgery is no exception. Following the post-surgery instructions will help improve the healing process and prevent complications or the need for another touch-up operation.
The lower blepharoplasty procedure where the incision is made on the inside of the eyelids causes only less swelling and bruising along with the added benefit of the scars always being hidden. But this can be carried out only in cases where fat alone needs to be removed and not the skin. It is also not always advisable for patients above 50 years of age.
Blepharoplasty Is an Outpatient Procedure
Not only is modern blepharoplasty safe, it is also very convenient. If performed alone, without other procedures such as brow lift or browpexy, blepharoplasty can be an outpatient procedure and the patient can go home following the surgery that lasts for an hour or more. When there are both eyelids (lower and upper) that need to be worked on, it becomes a little more extensive but even then it is an outpatient procedure.
Safety Precautions
The safety features of modern plastic surgery procedures apply for blepharoplasty also, with incidents of blood clots and infection being extremely rare. But the patient must not consume NSAIDs and aspirin or aspirin products around the time for surgery since these could bring about excessive bleeding. An experienced plastic surgeon would obviously explain these matters during the initial consultation.
With a reputable plastic surgeon and dedicated staff of an AAAASF-accredited center, there is the greatest chance of safety with your cosmetic eyelid surgery. The experience and deftness of a plastic surgeon is particularly important for lower eyelid surgery because of the complex anatomy of this part of the human body.
Blepharoplasty is not a painful procedure and in good hands is a very safe and effective means to restore youthfulness and vigor to your eyes.