Kathleen Gage"s Book, Power Up For Profits, Is a Helpful Marketing Guide
" I've been following her for years and she always gives high-value content.
Her book is no exception.
Although her chapters go through the usual suspects, such as choosing your niche, ideal client, creating products, building a list, etc.
, Kathleen adds to the mix her vast experience in online and offline marketing, plus many insider tips along the way.
You get to see how SHE did it.
Plus in her content, she also discusses why you should do this or that.
It's important to know the "why.
" She illustrates her strategies with charts that make it easy-to-understand and see at a glance the entire process.
For example, in the chapter on information products, she illustrates her points with a chart on the "Product Life Cycle.
" This is a very helpful chart that lays out the process that a product goes through.
You can see at a glance where your product is in the cycle and also see what stages you might be leaving out.
Throughout the book Kathleen gives real-life examples from her or her clients' experiences.
These are helpful to illustrate different ways to use the strategies she teaches.
Kathleen shares many strategies in her book, such as market positioning, establishing a social media presence, creative blog marketing, how to incorporate web radio to gain massive visibility, and how to profit from free publicity.
This book is packed with her formulas for all the strategies she has used herself to build a profitable business.
For example...
- She has a 9-step process for "Article Development and Distribution Process," including what needs to be included in a good article so you can position yourself as an expert.
- There's a whole chapter on how to use blogging in your business with all the tips and techniques for getting the biggest bang for your buck.
- Another section discusses the best procedures for setting up joint venture partnerships.
- And another one gives her ten steps for successful list-building.
- Know your market and connect with them not just with tactics, but also on an energetic level.
- If you want to succeed, you need to know who your market is, how to market to them, what the market perception of you and your business is, what market trends impact your business, and how all these components fit together.
- If you don't identify what makes you unique, your market won't be able to either.
- Know your competitors' strengths and weaknesses.
Some of these strategies, I have heard before, but reading Kathleen's book, gave me new insights to these and new information I didn't have.
You can always learn something new.
I especially appreciated her chapters on affiliate marketing and joint venture partnerships, including techniques for getting interviews with high-profile industry leaders.
Kathleen Gage has built a very successful business and it's worth your time to read about how she did it and what she recommends and doesn't recommend.
This book is the ultimate textbook on marketing your business in conversational, easy-to-understand language.
It should be in your business library.