Top Baby Safety Products For Safe Sleep
Many experts consider that bare baby cribs are the safest thing for the babies. Reasons for such views are that blankets, bumpers or toys can often create problems for the babies like suffocation. Such things can even render risks of SIDS. Baby safety products ensuring safe sleep are becoming very popular in the customer circles.
Living in Time Constrained World
Living in a world that is time constrained is the main problem with parents. While there can be no safety substitutes to regular checking of the child, many parents do not have the required time to have a watchful eye on their loved ones. Next best alternative for them are the baby safety products that allows safe play. They also usually do not have hazardous yard panes that could harm an active child.
Traditional Blankets are Unsafe
Unless the doctor advices otherwise, it is always good to put the baby on its back for sleeping. Experts no more recommend the use of blankets in the baby cribs. Blankets may cause suffocation and also promotes re-breathing of air that is exhaled that remains trapped under the loose blanket. If the parents consider use of blankets inevitable, especially in cooler climates, they may use something like the Halo Sleep sacks that can be worn over a regular pajama. Such blankets do not have the hazards of traditional blanket bunching around the face of the baby and suffocating it.
Safety Features in Crib Mattresses
When it comes to crib mattresses, the manufacturers are obliged to follow the fire safety precautions under the federal regulations. Besides the federal regulations, there are also the state specific regulations such as the new open flame resistance standards set in California. That is why most of the manufacturers are now using internal fire barriers within the mattresses and making them extra firm with a soft foam coating for comfort. Moreover, the mattresses need to be moisture proof so that the surface does not become sticky and creates discomfort for the baby.
Ill Fitting Crib Sheets Can Be Hazardous
One of the major hazards in crib mattresses is the ill fitting crib sheets that can pose strangulation problems for the baby. Also the sheets should be changed periodically since the elastic in older fitted crib sheets could break down making them slip loose.
Best way would be ensuring that sheets for the baby's crib mattress do not have extra fabric that would bunch up creating strangulation problems.
Living in Time Constrained World
Living in a world that is time constrained is the main problem with parents. While there can be no safety substitutes to regular checking of the child, many parents do not have the required time to have a watchful eye on their loved ones. Next best alternative for them are the baby safety products that allows safe play. They also usually do not have hazardous yard panes that could harm an active child.
Traditional Blankets are Unsafe
Unless the doctor advices otherwise, it is always good to put the baby on its back for sleeping. Experts no more recommend the use of blankets in the baby cribs. Blankets may cause suffocation and also promotes re-breathing of air that is exhaled that remains trapped under the loose blanket. If the parents consider use of blankets inevitable, especially in cooler climates, they may use something like the Halo Sleep sacks that can be worn over a regular pajama. Such blankets do not have the hazards of traditional blanket bunching around the face of the baby and suffocating it.
Safety Features in Crib Mattresses
When it comes to crib mattresses, the manufacturers are obliged to follow the fire safety precautions under the federal regulations. Besides the federal regulations, there are also the state specific regulations such as the new open flame resistance standards set in California. That is why most of the manufacturers are now using internal fire barriers within the mattresses and making them extra firm with a soft foam coating for comfort. Moreover, the mattresses need to be moisture proof so that the surface does not become sticky and creates discomfort for the baby.
Ill Fitting Crib Sheets Can Be Hazardous
One of the major hazards in crib mattresses is the ill fitting crib sheets that can pose strangulation problems for the baby. Also the sheets should be changed periodically since the elastic in older fitted crib sheets could break down making them slip loose.
Best way would be ensuring that sheets for the baby's crib mattress do not have extra fabric that would bunch up creating strangulation problems.