Guide to Sterilization of Bed Bugs
- Hydroprene does not technically sterilize bedbugs, according to Virginia Tech entomologist Dini M. Miller, PhD. It prevents nymphs from developing into adults. Only the adults can breed. However, if a nymph fails to mature into a breeding adult, it will never reproduce. Bedbug nymphs need to molt five times before they transform into adults.
- Nymphs come into contact with hydroprene and become infected. Hydroprene mimics a bedbug nymph's growth hormone. This synthetic hormone tells the body to abnormally grow chitin, a crucial chemical in the exoskeleton of a bedbug or other insects, notes the "Encyclopedia of Entomology." Without the chitin, bedbug nymphs cannot make the final molt into an adult body. Liquid hydroprene can be sprayed alone or in combination with other liquid pesticides like pyrethrins.
- "Encyclopedia of Entomology" points out that 50 percent of bedbug nymphs exposed to hydroprene do survive to adulthood, but die shortly after the final molt. However, these exposed adults may survive long enough to breed once. These exposed adults tend to produce a larger batch of eggs that survive to hatch than bedbugs not exposed to hydroprene. These offspring may be fertile.
- Never rely on only hydroprene to control a bedbug infestation. IGRs cannot kill adults or eggs and only leaves 50 percent of the nymphs incapable of reproduction. Cornell University recommends that homes need at least two treatments at two weeks apart from a professional exterminator. The second treatment kills newly hatched bedbugs or any bedbugs missed the first time around. The exterminators need to spray pesticide with hydroprene directly onto the bedbugs. Removing clutter, moving furniture away from the walls and stripping beds of linens will reduce bedbug hiding places. All bedding, small pillows, clothes, draperies and soft toys should be laundered in hot water to kill adults. Place cleaned items in sealed bags so bed bugs cannot get to them. Vacuum carpets, baseboards and soft furniture to kill adults and nymphs. Dispose of the contents immediately in an outside garbage container.