How To Keep The Weight Off!
The idea that it is almost impossible to maintain weight loss is actually a false one. Once you have gone through the hard part of losing the weight in the first place, keeping the weight off can be daunting, and that is why many people return to their old habits and put the weight back on pretty quickly.
But it doesn't need to be this way. The hard work is done, and maintaining your weight is often easier than losing it in the first place. Current research shows that just 20% of people who have lost weight have managed to keep it off. That means that 80% of dieters quickly return to their old eating and exercise habits once they have lost the weight.
These figures come from the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), who took their findings from individuals who were monitored over the course of a year, and who lost 10% of their body weight.
The 20% of those who had managed to maintain their weight after losing it showed a few common factors that they had introduced into their regime, and had continued with after their weight had been reduced.
- Their level of exercise was maintained, and was fairly high - usually more than an hour a day.
- They managed to keep their metabolic rates high after the weight had come off by eating smaller portions of food than before they started, and stuck to the original diet plan throughout.
Another common factor that many of the successful participants noted was that the hardest part was at the very start. Motivating themselves to carry on, even though they often found it difficult. They stated that after that initial hurdle had been overcome, exercising and eating healthily became like second nature to them, and was easy to maintain.
Temptation never goes away - people are always tempted to snack when they feel hungry, and, especially during the holiday season, partake of a little overindulgence. But the results show that long-term weight loss is very possible with a little discipline and motivation.
As a good motivational tool, the people who were successful in the study above all stated afterwards that their lives were much fuller. Each one of them had more energy, and once they had seen the benefits of the weight loss and then keeping the weight off, they found it easier to continue.
They're biggest piece of advice was that the hardest part is getting started into a good weight loss and exercise regime. When you've started on that road, and seen the benefits for yourself, the rest is easy.
But it doesn't need to be this way. The hard work is done, and maintaining your weight is often easier than losing it in the first place. Current research shows that just 20% of people who have lost weight have managed to keep it off. That means that 80% of dieters quickly return to their old eating and exercise habits once they have lost the weight.
These figures come from the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), who took their findings from individuals who were monitored over the course of a year, and who lost 10% of their body weight.
The 20% of those who had managed to maintain their weight after losing it showed a few common factors that they had introduced into their regime, and had continued with after their weight had been reduced.
- Their level of exercise was maintained, and was fairly high - usually more than an hour a day.
- They managed to keep their metabolic rates high after the weight had come off by eating smaller portions of food than before they started, and stuck to the original diet plan throughout.
Another common factor that many of the successful participants noted was that the hardest part was at the very start. Motivating themselves to carry on, even though they often found it difficult. They stated that after that initial hurdle had been overcome, exercising and eating healthily became like second nature to them, and was easy to maintain.
Temptation never goes away - people are always tempted to snack when they feel hungry, and, especially during the holiday season, partake of a little overindulgence. But the results show that long-term weight loss is very possible with a little discipline and motivation.
As a good motivational tool, the people who were successful in the study above all stated afterwards that their lives were much fuller. Each one of them had more energy, and once they had seen the benefits of the weight loss and then keeping the weight off, they found it easier to continue.
They're biggest piece of advice was that the hardest part is getting started into a good weight loss and exercise regime. When you've started on that road, and seen the benefits for yourself, the rest is easy.