How to Apply for a Federal Job With a Resume
- 1). Choose the branch of the federal government in which you desire work. Choose only departments and bureaus for which you are most qualified. For example, if you are interested in U.S. National Security issues in the Middle East, but have a background in Latin American affairs, then your best bet is to target the position you have a background in and then attempt to change departments or bureaus once your credentials and contact networks develop.
- 2). Review your resume with a fine-tooth comb, checking for any grammatical mistakes, passive sentences or superfluous details. Your resume should be no longer than one page and include only the most relevant details to the position for which you are applying. Start each sentence with a strong actionable sentence or lead off with a detailed verb clearly describing the activity you completed. For example, "completed research activities" is not as good as "wrote briefs of X length about Y topic biweekly." Have a trusted friend or experienced writer review your resume for errors or wordy sentences.
- 3). Submit your resume directly to different departments or upload it to career websites surveyed by federal branches or departments. There are multiple websites available do this, but be aware that some governmental departments or bureaus check only specific websites.