Why The Concept Of God Fails, Bigtime: Part Two
Why The Concept Of God Fails, Bigtime.
Continued from Part One.
God [G] is Inconsistent Theologically: Different people and different faiths have differing concepts of what God is or isn't and they aren't all compatible. Eve within one faith different people have differing interpretations of the exact nature of God.
G is Irrelevant: When it comes to explaining life, the Universe and everything, God would have appeared to have gone to extraordinary lengths to make Him an irrelevant hypothesis. Science goes the job quite well without any God hypothesis.
G of the Gaps: Science can explain A and C, but not yet that in-between B. Therefore, only God can fill in that gap and explain B. Alas for God, those gaps keep getting filled in by science and those gaps just keep getting fewer and fewer, and narrower and narrower.
G Works in Mysterious Ways: That's a human copout. That's God hiding behind a curtain. This phrase explains nothing, and certainly doesn't confirm God's existence.
G'ly Attributes: There is a long theological and philosophical list of those attributes that God allegedly has (omni this, omni that, omni the next thing). Since there is no actual evidence for God, how can these attributes be known and listed?
G's Double Standard: God says €thou shall not kill€; God kills, Big Time. God doesn't exactly set a good godly example.
G's Omnipresence is a Contradiction: It's quite clear from Old Testament texts that God is at a particular place at a particular time.
G's Omni-Benevolence is a Contradiction: According to the Old Testament, God is a mass murderer (Noah's Flood; Sodom and Gomorrah; Egypt's First Born; Pharaoh's Army) and gives the thumbs up for others to commit mass murder in His name (Battle of Jericho). He didn't exactly treat Adam and Eve, Abraham, Job, and Jonah very well either. With friends like God, who needs enemies! Also, God is hardly in the good graces of animal welfare societies!
G's Omniscience is a Contradiction: God is not all-knowing since He asks questions of people in the Old Testament. God cannot be all-knowing because of the cosmic speed limit which He set up - the speed of light. If you pray to God, and God is one light-minute distant, it will take one minute before Gods €hears' your prayer (which we assume was converted to electromagnetic energy and beamed in God's direction). God will then proceed to ignore your prayer. Any information cannot get to where God is from where that information originated faster than the speed of light.
G's Omnipotence is a Contradiction: If God is so all-powerful, He could have done a Mafia style hit on Satan and be done with the pesky pest. Why not? God's not shy when it comes to using €cement boots' routines. Then too, why did He have to rest on the Seventh Day? And of course there's this philosophical chestnut, can God create a rock that not even He can't life? If He can't create that rock He's not all-powerful; if He can but can't lift it, He's not all-powerful. Further, God cannot create logical contradictions like a square circle. God cannot draw more that one straight line between two points on a flat surface.
G's Particle: That's the Higgs Boson and it has absolutely nothing to do with God's existence.
G's Prime Concern: God isn't overly concerned about sin in general, like evil and crime and slavery or about forbidden fruit, and it certainly isn't sex like polygamy or abortion or contraception or homosexuality. God's prime bee-in-His-bonnet concern is over those god-damn other gods!
In G We Trust: In God we trust never to show up when He is needed the most.
Let's Get Physical: If God is pure spirit and exists outside of space and time (a nonsense phrase with no actual meaning IMHO) then He cannot act on anything that's physical (matter and energy) which exists within space and time.
Occam's Razor: Occam's Razor (keep it simple, stupid) might at first glance favour God over Mother Nature when it comes to life, the Universe and everything, but adds an additional layer to reality which is cumbersome and contains too much scientific and philosophical baggage. In any event Occam's Razor is a guideline, not a set-in-concrete infallible law.
Overkill: Why should you suffer for the sin(s) of Adam and Eve? Why should children suffer for the sin(s) of the parents? Isn't spending eternity in Hell slightly judicial overkill in the punishment fits the crime philosophy?
Polytheism Rules OK? God is insanely jealous (He even says so Himself). So it is perhaps no surprise that His top of the pops First Commandment is that €Thou shall have no other gods before me€ or else! Note that this doesn't deny the reality of other deities, rather the opposite that there are other gods. The Bible and God Himself confirms polytheism.
Problem Solving: What actual problems does postulating the existence of a supernatural deity, God, actually solve that no other field of intellect can?
Religious Experiences: So-called up-close-and-personal religious experiences with God, Jesus, angels, demons, etc. are just a delusion and illusionary. They may seem really real, but, like optical illusions, they are all generated in the mind.
Seven Deadly Sins: God's nature regarding the Seven Deadly Sins is revealing. The Seven Deadly Sins are: vainglory, envy, anger, melancholy, avarice, gluttony and lust. Now which one(s) can be pinned on God? Well, vainglory certainly applies as God is surely up Himself in no uncertain terms. He certainly seems to be envious of the other gods never missing a chance to put them down. There is certainly no doubting god's anger, oft noted as God's wrath or the wrath of God. I think that God is off the hook with respect to the final four. Still, God gets sent to the sin-bin on at least three accounts!
Show Me the Evidence: There is no evidence; or rather there is a total absence of evidence that there is a God, a god or gods. There's nothing one can place on the slab in the lab that's going to convince a non-believer. There is no reason to presuppose the existence of anything for which there is no hard-core evidence (like that teapot orbiting inside the rings of Saturn). There's no hard-core evidence be it for Santa Claus; the Easter Bunny; the Tooth Fairy; and for God too. It's odd that true believers accept the logic for the non-existence of Santa, etc. but not when it comes to God. God can be doubted in the exact same way that the reality of Santa Claus is doubted.
Thank G It's Friday (TGIF): Why would anyone thank God for it being Friday when Friday is a human concept and invention and comes around like clockwork every seventh day? If there were no humans, there would be no Friday. Friday has bugger-all to do with God. Of course rationalism is not exactly mankind's strongest point.
Theological Diversity: There have been, and there are, thousands of religions practised around the world. Many facets of many of theologies are contradictory with respect to other theologies. While they can't all be right, they can all be wrong. All this inconsistency strongly suggests that humans invented, not discovered, these belief systems.
Universals: There are concepts, like mathematics, that exist any time in any place totally independent of God's existence and creativity.
Wish Fulfilment: God exists because we want God to exist; especially because God can grant us an afterlife (which itself is an illogical concept).
Continued from Part One.
God [G] is Inconsistent Theologically: Different people and different faiths have differing concepts of what God is or isn't and they aren't all compatible. Eve within one faith different people have differing interpretations of the exact nature of God.
G is Irrelevant: When it comes to explaining life, the Universe and everything, God would have appeared to have gone to extraordinary lengths to make Him an irrelevant hypothesis. Science goes the job quite well without any God hypothesis.
G of the Gaps: Science can explain A and C, but not yet that in-between B. Therefore, only God can fill in that gap and explain B. Alas for God, those gaps keep getting filled in by science and those gaps just keep getting fewer and fewer, and narrower and narrower.
G Works in Mysterious Ways: That's a human copout. That's God hiding behind a curtain. This phrase explains nothing, and certainly doesn't confirm God's existence.
G'ly Attributes: There is a long theological and philosophical list of those attributes that God allegedly has (omni this, omni that, omni the next thing). Since there is no actual evidence for God, how can these attributes be known and listed?
G's Double Standard: God says €thou shall not kill€; God kills, Big Time. God doesn't exactly set a good godly example.
G's Omnipresence is a Contradiction: It's quite clear from Old Testament texts that God is at a particular place at a particular time.
G's Omni-Benevolence is a Contradiction: According to the Old Testament, God is a mass murderer (Noah's Flood; Sodom and Gomorrah; Egypt's First Born; Pharaoh's Army) and gives the thumbs up for others to commit mass murder in His name (Battle of Jericho). He didn't exactly treat Adam and Eve, Abraham, Job, and Jonah very well either. With friends like God, who needs enemies! Also, God is hardly in the good graces of animal welfare societies!
G's Omniscience is a Contradiction: God is not all-knowing since He asks questions of people in the Old Testament. God cannot be all-knowing because of the cosmic speed limit which He set up - the speed of light. If you pray to God, and God is one light-minute distant, it will take one minute before Gods €hears' your prayer (which we assume was converted to electromagnetic energy and beamed in God's direction). God will then proceed to ignore your prayer. Any information cannot get to where God is from where that information originated faster than the speed of light.
G's Omnipotence is a Contradiction: If God is so all-powerful, He could have done a Mafia style hit on Satan and be done with the pesky pest. Why not? God's not shy when it comes to using €cement boots' routines. Then too, why did He have to rest on the Seventh Day? And of course there's this philosophical chestnut, can God create a rock that not even He can't life? If He can't create that rock He's not all-powerful; if He can but can't lift it, He's not all-powerful. Further, God cannot create logical contradictions like a square circle. God cannot draw more that one straight line between two points on a flat surface.
G's Particle: That's the Higgs Boson and it has absolutely nothing to do with God's existence.
G's Prime Concern: God isn't overly concerned about sin in general, like evil and crime and slavery or about forbidden fruit, and it certainly isn't sex like polygamy or abortion or contraception or homosexuality. God's prime bee-in-His-bonnet concern is over those god-damn other gods!
In G We Trust: In God we trust never to show up when He is needed the most.
Let's Get Physical: If God is pure spirit and exists outside of space and time (a nonsense phrase with no actual meaning IMHO) then He cannot act on anything that's physical (matter and energy) which exists within space and time.
Occam's Razor: Occam's Razor (keep it simple, stupid) might at first glance favour God over Mother Nature when it comes to life, the Universe and everything, but adds an additional layer to reality which is cumbersome and contains too much scientific and philosophical baggage. In any event Occam's Razor is a guideline, not a set-in-concrete infallible law.
Overkill: Why should you suffer for the sin(s) of Adam and Eve? Why should children suffer for the sin(s) of the parents? Isn't spending eternity in Hell slightly judicial overkill in the punishment fits the crime philosophy?
Polytheism Rules OK? God is insanely jealous (He even says so Himself). So it is perhaps no surprise that His top of the pops First Commandment is that €Thou shall have no other gods before me€ or else! Note that this doesn't deny the reality of other deities, rather the opposite that there are other gods. The Bible and God Himself confirms polytheism.
Problem Solving: What actual problems does postulating the existence of a supernatural deity, God, actually solve that no other field of intellect can?
Religious Experiences: So-called up-close-and-personal religious experiences with God, Jesus, angels, demons, etc. are just a delusion and illusionary. They may seem really real, but, like optical illusions, they are all generated in the mind.
Seven Deadly Sins: God's nature regarding the Seven Deadly Sins is revealing. The Seven Deadly Sins are: vainglory, envy, anger, melancholy, avarice, gluttony and lust. Now which one(s) can be pinned on God? Well, vainglory certainly applies as God is surely up Himself in no uncertain terms. He certainly seems to be envious of the other gods never missing a chance to put them down. There is certainly no doubting god's anger, oft noted as God's wrath or the wrath of God. I think that God is off the hook with respect to the final four. Still, God gets sent to the sin-bin on at least three accounts!
Show Me the Evidence: There is no evidence; or rather there is a total absence of evidence that there is a God, a god or gods. There's nothing one can place on the slab in the lab that's going to convince a non-believer. There is no reason to presuppose the existence of anything for which there is no hard-core evidence (like that teapot orbiting inside the rings of Saturn). There's no hard-core evidence be it for Santa Claus; the Easter Bunny; the Tooth Fairy; and for God too. It's odd that true believers accept the logic for the non-existence of Santa, etc. but not when it comes to God. God can be doubted in the exact same way that the reality of Santa Claus is doubted.
Thank G It's Friday (TGIF): Why would anyone thank God for it being Friday when Friday is a human concept and invention and comes around like clockwork every seventh day? If there were no humans, there would be no Friday. Friday has bugger-all to do with God. Of course rationalism is not exactly mankind's strongest point.
Theological Diversity: There have been, and there are, thousands of religions practised around the world. Many facets of many of theologies are contradictory with respect to other theologies. While they can't all be right, they can all be wrong. All this inconsistency strongly suggests that humans invented, not discovered, these belief systems.
Universals: There are concepts, like mathematics, that exist any time in any place totally independent of God's existence and creativity.
Wish Fulfilment: God exists because we want God to exist; especially because God can grant us an afterlife (which itself is an illogical concept).