What Are the Kinds of Pigeon Traps?
- According to UnitedWildlife.com, pigeon droppings can speed up deterioration and even erode metal. Pigeons also are known to carry some diseases, as well as mites and fleas, into the areas they inhabit.
- "Kill" traps resemble mousetraps, but are much larger. They use food to entice pigeon, then snap closed when the bird eats the food. These traps are usually good for only one pigeon before they are reset.
- There are humane traps for pigeons that leave them alive and make them easily relocated. Food is used to entice the pigeon and the cage door closes behind the bird when it picks up the food. These traps need to be checked more than once a day, since they can get full.
- Always use gloves when handling your traps. Wash with antibacterial soap and make sure to do a thorough search of your body for ticks. If you notice any itching or redness, contact a doctor. When cleaning pigeon droppings, use a product with bleach in it.
- Feeding or trapping pigeons is illegal in some places and requires a permit in others. Ask your local fish and game department or a local pest control company.
"Kill" Traps
Humane Pigeon Trapping
Pigeon Trapping Safety