Best Way to Get Pregnant Fast - Things to Do to Become More Fertile the Natural Way!
One of the greatest joys in life is to become a parent.
For some couples having a child is very easy, but for others it may take a lot of patience.
In some cases, a couple may struggle for years and may be unable to conceive despite all their efforts.
If you want to find out how to increase your chances of getting pregnant, then read the following tips that can help you increase your fertility the natural way:
For some couples having a child is very easy, but for others it may take a lot of patience.
In some cases, a couple may struggle for years and may be unable to conceive despite all their efforts.
If you want to find out how to increase your chances of getting pregnant, then read the following tips that can help you increase your fertility the natural way:
- Drink alcohol in moderation: A large study showed that men who consumed 200 ml (approximately three to four drinks) of alcohol per day had a lower number, mobility and morphology of spermatozoa compared to those who drank less.
According to a study in women undergoing IVF, alcohol consumption caused a reduction in the production of eggs by 13%, and these women were three times less likely to achieve pregnancy and twice as likely to have a miscarriage.
What is more, excessive consumption of alcohol by women may lead to abnormal fetal development and the birth of underweight children.
- Don't drink too much coffee: According to studies conducted in Spain, Italy and Denmark, the consumption of 100mg of coffee (about 1 cup) per day did not affect fertility.
However, women who consumed more than 500mg a day found it difficult to conceive.
Also, hot beverages drunk in plastic glasses release substances that impair fertility. - Reduce the temperature in the genitals: The increased temperature in the genital area can affect fertility.
In men, wearing narrow pants and trousers, leading a sedentary lifestyle, taking very hot baths and the prolonged use of laptop can raise the temperature of the testicles, and reduce fertility.
In women, wearing narrow pants and trousers, causes friction that can lead to local inflammation of the external genitals, which may spread to the internal reproductive system, causing infertility.
- Have a lot of sex: Frequent sexual contacts lead to a better sperm quality, according to a study presented this year at the European Board of Human Reproductive Health and Embryology.
On the other hand, because the egg is available only from 12 to 24 hours in every menstrual cycle, it is very easy to simply miss the fertile day.
Moreover, the frequency of sexual intercourse, especially when they are highly satisfactory for the woman, play a very important role in conception, because the slight movements of the vagina, the cervix and the uterus during orgasm help the sperm to reach the egg.