Treating Depression and Anxiety Without Medication - Part Two
This program has been successfully used for the past twelve years by the author and by many others who are pursuing mental health recovery.
The five areas of the brain maintenance program are physical self-care, mental-emotional self-care, social support, spiritual connection, and lifestyle habits.
In the first article, I covered physical and emotional self-care.
Now we turn to people support, spiritual connection and lifestyle habits.
People Support In working with my clients, I emphasize that social support is an essential requirement for surviving a depressive episode.
Having healthy relationships not only helps to alleviate depression, but also helps to prevent its recurrence.
Isolation, on the other hand, makes one more vulnerable to mental and physical illness.
Building a good support network takes time and the process is unique to each person.
It means surrounding yourself with people who can validate what you are going though and who can unconditionally accept you.
Some of the members of a support system may include: • family and close friends.
• an ally such as a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, rabbi, minister, priest, 12 step sponsor or friend in whom you can confide in.
• group support such as group counseling or a 12-step meeting.
Here is where you can gain (and give) help and encouragement from (and to) others who are going through experiences like yours.
In a support group, you learn that you are not alone in your suffering, and that there are others who truly understand your pain.
• domestic pets.
The unconditional love that we give to and receive from these beings can be as healing as human love.
Even with the many resources that are available, some people feel too ashamed, shy or anxious to reach out for help.
If asking for assistance seems hard, please reconsider calling someone, even if it is a crisis line.
Reaching out will make a real difference in your recovery.
I promise.
Spiritual Self-Care Mental health researchers have defined a phenomenon known as religious coping-a reliance on a spiritual belief or activity to help manage emotional stress or physical discomfort.
Having strong spiritual beliefs can also increase feelings of hope and faith which in turn produce positive chemical and emotional changes in the brain.
Here are some aspects of spiritual self-care that can be used to promote emotional serenity.
• prayer.
Studies show that prayer can have a positive impact on diseases of the body such as heart conditions.
Since depression takes place in the brain, which is a physical organ, it is reasonable that being prayed for can lead to an improvement in mood.
• mediation.
Meditation involves stilling the mind so that we can hear the still small voice of God within and be open to spiritual guidance.
There are many forms of meditation available--contemplative prayer, Vipassana meditation, Zen centers, the books of Buddhist priest Thich Nhat Hahn, or the simple form of meditation described in Herbert Benson's work, The Relaxation Response.
• spending time in nature.
Whether it's watching a moonrise over a mountain peak, a sunset over the ocean, or simply taking a leisurely walk in your city park, spending time in nature can elicit a healing connection to Mother Earth.
• engaging in selfless service.
All spiritual traditions stress service as a part of one's spiritual path.
A fundamental symptom of depression (and unhappiness in general) is self-absorption.
Service allows us to transcend our suffering by shifting our focus away from ourselves.
(Researchers have documented a phenomenon called helpers high among people who volunteer their time to help others.
) Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Finally, certain lifestyle habits can help you to maintain balance and stability and thus prevent the onset of depression.
These include: 1) Find ways to include structure/routine in your daily activities.
2) Set worthwhile goals.
3) Engage in fulfilling work that connects with an inner passion or sense of purpose.
4) Spend time connecting to the natural world.
5) Get enough exposure to natural outdoor light.
6) Reduce the stress in your life by scheduling in periods of time to relax and just be.
7) Participate in activities that are give you joy and pleasure-e.
, eating a good meal, working in the garden, nurturing a pet, spending time with friends, etc.
-and sprinkling your life with them.
8) Take time each day to appreciate beauty.
There is nothing new or radical in what I have suggested.
This body, mind and spirit recovery plan is a simple common sense approach to living a healthy and balanced life.
By putting these ideas into practice, you can strengthen your "psychological immune system" and become more resistant to mood disorders such as clinical depression.
Best wishes on your transformational journey!