Steps On Cleaning The Windows Xp Registry
More specifically we'll talk about how to review the registry files for errors, how to backup your registry for safety, and how you can repair the items you've found to be errors.
By the end of this article you should know how to open the registry and review it on your own, or use an automated piece of registry repair software to do the job for you.
Step 1 Look for errors and empty Registry keys Windows XP and all previous versions before it has a built in registry viewer.
The name of this editor, RegEdit, how original.
You can access the program by clicking: START - > RUN - >Type Regedit This will open up the registry editor in a new windows.
From there you can navigate the tree structure at the left around all the different registry keys that exist.
If you're not very familiar with how the windows registry works, or what you'd need to look for to determine what are registry errors, and what information belongs you might consider using a piece of software to perform the scan.
Most registry repair software offers a free scan utility that you can use to check your registry for errors.
The software, after the scan is completed, will spit you back a list of items found that you can review prior to making any changes.
Step 2 Backup old registry files Once you've used Regedit to review your current registry settings, or performed a free scan using a registry cleaner tool you need to create a backup of your current system settings.
WHY? For one reason, if things go wrong you can easily fix them without reformatting and restoring your entire computer back to factory settings.
The easiest way to do this manually is to use the Windows system restore feature built into Windows XP.
You can find this by: Click Start - > Help and Support -> Click the button create a new restore point.
From there you'll be asked to name the restore point.
Be sure to name it something descriptive, but also something you'll recall if it's needed.
This is a crucial point in the steps to cleaning the windows registry.
If you used software for Step 1 you can likely use the same registry repair tool to create a backup of your current settings to revert back to in case you need it.
Be sure that what ever tool you choose to use has this option before buying it.
Step 3 Make corrections, deletions, and repairs to the Windows Registry Now that you've located items that need fixing or cleaning in the windows xp registry.
You've made a backup of your current system settings it's time to start fixing and cleaning.
If you've been doing everything manually up to this point, then you likely don't need my help with removing registry entires, keys, and items.
Just go a head and delete the items you felt were in error, remember you have the backup to fall back on if something gets deleted that shouldn't be.
If you are using a windows registry cleaning tool you can now review the list of items the scan provided you.
Most repair software will allow you to pick and choose which items are fixed, and which are left alone.
If you have any question about whether something should be deleted or not, don't delete it.
Not worth the hassle if it was needed.
Once the repairs are complete you've successfully completed all the steps on repairing windows xp registry.
Now restart your machine.
This will be the first test to determine if all went well.
You could notice errors during boot up, note any text that flashes on the screen.
It could have something to do with an old short cut, or program file that is still there an can be deleted.
How ever it can also have something to do with an item that shouldn't have been deleted.
Depending on any errors or issues you run into you can search online for simple clean up tips, or if there are bigger troubles consider using the back up from step 2 to revert your PC back to it's previous state.
Then redo the repair of items in your windows registry, leaving items that caused the errors before intact.