Teenager in the House – Start Thinking About Car Insurance Now
The good news is that many car insurance companies provide discounts for households where the teenage drivers have signed this kind of contract or pledge. Car insurers are constantly doing studies and compiling statistics, and the statistics they have compiled thus far show that these types of agreements between parents and teen drivers do have an impact on safety.
You might also find that you can get a hefty discount if the teen drivers in your household maintain good grade point averages. Some of the same statistics compiled by the car insurance companies show a correlation between grades and driving safety, and they provide car insurance discounts as a result.
As a parent, you might want to tie the use of the car to good grades. This is an extra added incentive for your son or daughter to do well at school, and a way for you save money on your car insurance bill. If the teen drivers in your house are required to pay their own car insurance, the availability of those good student discounts can be even more of an incentive to maintain good grades.
Shopping around could yield you even more savings, especially once the teen in your life starts driving. It is a good idea to start shopping around for a new policy well in advance of your teen getting his or her license. Different companies assign different levels of risk to teenage drivers, and that can mean vastly different premiums for those drivers and their parents. Shopping around ahead of time gives you time to prepare, and time to cancel your old policy and take out a new one if you need to.