Ideas for a Love Offering Tithe Basket
- Collection plates are often used in churches to collect tithes.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Tithing is technically the practice of giving ten percent of one's income to one's place of worship. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have a history of encouraging, and in some cases demanding, that all followers adhere to this practice. However, today it is common for people to give sporadically, donate only what they feel they can afford, or not give at all. A love offering should be only given freely and joyfully without any sense of obligation.
The funds collected may go towards the operation of the place of worship, or they may go towards charitable causes. There are many debates over the validity of tithing, and concern over whether the donations should be visible when collected so that those who gave generously are treated differently than those who didn't. - Passing around a collection plate after a religious service ensures all donations are clearly visible as they are being made, so everyone around you can see whether you left $2 or $200. Many are critical of this collection method as it doesn't allow for any privacy and promotes pride in those who are seen to be giving a lot, and shame in those who are seen to be giving little.
- Similarly, a basket is often passed around to collect tithes or love offerings. It may be ideal to use a basket with a hinged lid that people can use to make their donations more private.
- Some places of worship prefer to use a box that people can drop their money into on their way out, after the service. This is an easy way of allowing people a way to donate privately.
Collection Plate
Collection Basket
Collection Box