"The Nine Rooms of Happiness" Tells Women How to Have a Work Life Balance
Each room represents a part of a person's life that Danziger and Birndoff organized based on their physical placement in a house and what goes on in each room.
When one learns how to use these rooms (closing doors when they need to be closed, etc.
) the work life balance can be achieved much more easily.
The room designations are as follows:
- Attic- This room looks at the expectations your family has pushed on you, both at a younger age and now.
- Bedroom- sexual intimacy is discussed here; the kind you're getting and the kind you want.
It also covers very personal wants and needs.
- Children's Room- This area covers every stress that might come along with children, even the stress of deciding to have them.
- Kitchen- Emotional nourishment is the focus of this area.
It focuses on family emotional nourishment as well as the personal. - Living Room- Your social life, meaning your relationship with people at work, your friends and your social activities, are all discussed in this room.
- Bathroom- The things that no woman likes to discuss; weight, vanity and beauty.
The truth of them all is found in this room.
- Family Room- It is what it sounds like; this room discusses family issues and stress factors in the family by focusing on your closest relationships.
- Home Office- The daily stress of this room comes in the form of bills, hours worked, time away from home, etc.
- Basement- This room is usually the biggest in the house, and is the foundation the rest of the house stands on.
Therefore, the basement represents childhood memories and how they can affect our daily lives and mental stability as adults.
Figuring out what room you're in, determining why you keep getting stuck, learning the process for getting unstuck, and finding the shortcut to the solution are the keys written in the book for achieving a good work life balance.