How to Make a Roach Trap
- 1). Coat the top third of the inside of a jar with slanted shoulders -- or a can -- with petroleum jelly. Place bread, grapes, a piece of potato or banana peel inside the jar as bait to attract cockroaches.
- 2). Place the traps wherever you've found roaches. Place as many roach traps as you can throughout your home. Roaches climb inside to get to the food and cannot climb out because the petroleum jelly is too slippery.
- 3). Check the roach traps in a few days. If certain traps have caught roaches, you know they are in the right place. Move the other jars to a different location. Check again in 24 hours and continue to move the jars until you find the areas that have the largest concentrations of roaches.
- 4). Kill the trapped cockroaches by placing in a freezer for several hours. Or pour an inch of water and dishwashing soap in the jar, shake it and flush the contents down the toilet. Wash the jar and reassemble it. Or place the cap on the jar and throw it away.