The Importance of Research for the Scientific Community
- Medical research is essential to the scientific community. This research usually focuses on identifying the causes and patterns of various disease, creating new medicines and treatments, and developing advanced screening technologies. Medical research has brought us discoveries such as penicillin, chemotherapy, X-rays, and vaccinations for diseases such as small pox and polio. Medical research today could hold the keys for cures to diseases including Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, cancer and AIDS.
- Environmental research pertains to examining the way species, ecosystems and habitats interact, with a particular emphasis on how humans can affect these components. Environmental research has helped us to realize the dangers of chemicals such as DDT, deforestation and of carbon emissions effect on human health. Research has also revealed the interconnected nature of humans and other wildlife, leading to more environmental conservation. Environmental research has become even more important in the development of global warming and what can be done to stop it.
- Scientific research dealing with space and space travel places emphasis on developing better travel technology, learning about how to live in space and discovering what exists beyond our planet. Space research led to our first trip to the moon, the discovery of ice on Mars and the creation of an international collaboration called the International Space Station. In the future, scientists hope that research will lead to the development of more sustainable space living conditions, and possibly the discovery of livable conditions on another planet.
- Perhaps the most profitable form of scientific research has been consumer-based research. This realm of study has been built upon the development of safer, more efficient and more advanced consumer products. In the past, this kind of research has resulted in lead-free paint, hybrid cars, cell phones, computers and production plants.
- Perhaps the most important result of scientific research has been the understanding it has fostered. Whether the information comes from the study of anthropology, biology, sociology or psychology, scientific research has the ability to teach us more about ourselves, where we came from and where we're going. Important areas of study include expanding our understanding of evolution, ancient history, mental health and societal changes.
Medical Importance
Environmental Importance
Space Research
Consumer-Based Research