How To Choose A Proper Blood Bank In Your Area?
The operation of the Blood Bank and processing of whole human blood for components/manufacture of blood product shall be carried out under the active direction and personal supervision of component technical staff consisting of at least one person who is whole time employee and who is a Medical Officer, and possessing-
a) Post Graduate degree in Medicine-M.D. (Pathology/Transfusion Medicines); or
b)Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S.) with Diploma in Pathology or Transfusion Medicines having adequate knowledge in blood group serology, blood group methodology and medical principles involved in the procurement of blood and/or preparation of its components; or
c) Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S.) having experience in Blood Bank for one year during regular service and also has adequate knowledge and experience in blood group serology, blood group methodology and medical principles involved in the procurement of blood and/or preparation of its components,
When a NGO like Blood Bank India, Ahmedabad as a Mobile Blood Donation Center has taken up the responsibility, the Govt, should formally identify it and give a clear consent formulating the national blood policy, it is important to consider policy decisions enforcing appropriate regulations or necessary functions of health service to ensure high quality service and safe blood. In order to improve the standards of Blood and its components, the Central Govt. through Drugs Controller General of India, has formulated a comprehensive legislation to ensure better quality control system on collection, storage, testing and distribution of blood and its components.
There is a need to make blood safer today than it has ever been possible and as safe as modern science & medicine can make it. Donors cannot have any disease through donating blood because new, disposable, sterilized equipment are used for each donation. It is absolutely safe to receive blood transfusion from blood obtained if the equipment is safe and modern. In fact, the risks of contracting a blood-borne disease through transfusion are far less than the risks of not receiving that transfusion at all. With latest technology equipment and machines available in the international market, Blood Bank is going strong. You can donate blood on the assurance that it has been in the absolute use through proper channel. Please keep in mind all the points when you visit blood donor center next time.