Top 4 Penis Enlargement Methods - How Do They Really Work?
This is the reason why the media is flooded with ads about penis enlargement.
Men who have been through poor relationships or are trying to go into serious relationships are often influenced to try these out, although doctors are often talking about that there is no program achievable as penis enlargement without cosmetic surgery.
If you search over the internet,you can find there are so many treatments that promise penis enlargement works, among these solutions which include penis enlargement pills, herbal ointments, penis pumps and penis enlargement exercises.
All of these serve to only one purpose:enlargement of the penis.
Herbal Pills Two things that can make a penis small: the inability to have a full erection and the actual length and girth of the penis.
Majority of the herbal pills sold on the marketplace assist in bring better the quality of the erection.
When the penis reaches full erection, it is largest and longest.
When men who are not able to attain this full erection have these pills, they notice that their penis does indeed "grow bigger.
" In fact, the bigger size is due to the herbal power of pushing the penis to grow the strongest and largest erection.
The better result here is that such herbal pills rarely have any negative side effects.
Vacuum Penis Pumps This kind of device works on the same way as herbal pills: gain the biggest amount of blood flow over the penis so the man gains the biggest and hardest erection.
Put Differently, the penis is outstretched at the most due to the flow of blood into it.
The increased growth in length and width is mainly because the erection is at its most.
Beware that some vacuum penis pumps may result in damaging nerves and even impotence, if these devices are overly abused.
Natural Exercises This technique is combined with herbal pills that promote optimal flow of blood into the penis, can really help in reaching extra increment.
The penis as a special muscle, responds well to methods--something really alike as building up your biceps with exercises.
When these methods are combined with penis pills that improve the quality of erection,that may result in a bigger difference in both length and width of the penis.
Herbal Ointments This is a different method to manipulate the purpose of the penis to stretch.
Herbal ointments normally contain the same ingredients that pills have, and help the penis achieve and maintain a full erection.
The function of ointment is often to numb the nerve system in the head of the penis so as to allow it to make a sufficiently hard erection that can be maintained long enough to gratify your partner; in addition the numbness can help you prevent premature ejaculation.
As you can tell, enlarging penis is normally accomplished by promoting and maintaining the maximal possible erection of the penis.
In some tribes in Africa, the penis size is enlarged by hanging weights to it for many years until they are satisfied with the length.
However, this process is risky as it stretches and actually weakens the penis muscle.