Who Should Be Teaching Our Kids?
While listening to the news lately - have you noticed the dramatic increase in teachers having all kinds of morally reprehensible relationships with their students? There have been numerous news articles about this problem - and many additional articles wondering exactly WHY this is happening.
I see the problem starting with a misunderstanding regarding 'WHO" is acceptable as a teacher? People with reprehensible character are routinely hired as teachers - with the erroneous ideology or mind set that 'what they do on their own time is their own business and doesn't matter".
Well - of course it matters - selfish, immoral, and undisciplined behavior will show up in every aspect of someone's life - and eventually in the work place.
Immoral behavior is a 24 hour a day job! In the 1920's - my grandmother became at teacher.
She finished school at 17 years of age - and immediately went to teaching school.
The school lasted a total of six weeks.
The school was taught by a preacher.
ON day one of the class - He said, "A teacher MUST be called to teach, just as a preacher is called to preach.
If YOU are NOT convinced you are called by God to teach - then please go home.
This is not where you are supposed to be!!! If you asked a teaching student TODAY if he or she were called to teach by God - they would probably say - "Gee - I don't know - let me check my voice mail!' At that time when Gramma went to teaching college, the 3 main callings from God (outside raising a family) were considered to be preaching, teaching, and healing.
Today - the majority of the preachers, teachers, and healers (doctors and nurses) consider them selves professional.
And that is a second great problem.
I am sticking with the old school of thought - a teacher DOES need to be called to teach - just as a preacher should be called to preach.
By the way, a 'calling' is divine direction.
It is something that is undertaking a mission with passion and determination.
There is a sense of duty that is beyond anything a mere profession can bring about.
A 'profession' on the other hand is a career one chooses.
If one takes his or her profession seriously - the job will be done as required in a timely manner.
But all these things will also be done by someone who is 'called' into a specific area.
Maybe you could say that those called to any field will behave as professionals - but their purpose for being there is broader.
One who is called into a field of service will most certainly do a professional job - but the first thought will be "is the mission being accomplished as God intended?" In Gramma's 'teaching instruction class' - there were some instructions on 'how' to teach - but the main emphasis was on WHAT to teach.
The main thing was to teach students to love God, keep the commandments, and have a good work ethic.
A good work ethic is instilled partly by requiring a student to consistently do a good job as a student.
Gramma said it was of the utmost importance that the home and the school require the same things of the student.
The discipline, acceptable entertainment, work requirements, and Christian example must be fully compatible.
Otherwise, the student is confused.
And worse - they will believe they have an option to take the easier path.
That is what we see today.
Behavior that is totally unacceptable at home is considered fully acceptable at school.
There is no real connection between the school and the home.
In fact, the school is more likely to conceal improper behavior or even be a part of it than to let the parents know what is going on.
In Gramma's day the parents and teacher worked together.
The misbehaving child had no where to hide - much less any sympathy.
That is certainly a far cry from what is going on today.
And Personal character did matter in those days.
If some of the people applying for teaching positions today had applied then they would probably have been told to go work in a "house' that would find their promiscuous life style profitable.
You might also be surprised to note that children of that era received excellent educations.
Gramma taught everything up to advanced math - including algebra 1 and beginning geometry.
She actually had 72 students her busiest year.
Gramma said it wasn't that hard.
She just started with the oldest students, then progressed downward through the grades with an easier version of the same lesson.
Older students finished first - and then helped the younger students.
And parents looked over the lessons each night - and helped finish any homework.
And that was how it worked then.
And in case you don't know it - people of that era placed a very high value on getting their children an education.
The standard of reading well was that the student be able to read and understand the Bible - and I mean the king James version because that was what was available then.
Oh - one more thing - I know and am related to some wonderful teachers.
I am certainly not lumping all teachers into the categories of promiscuous, immoral, and selfish.
But as long as self absorbed immature narcissistic teachers are routinely hired and tolerated the situation will only grow worse.
Something of importance here for anyone raising a child is to realize the behavior of teachers in public school does have an influence on your child.
Teachers talk about things they do outside class.
An attractive teacher of either gender is noticed by students and children looking for role models.
They are noticed by students looking for ways to feel grown up.
They are noticed by insecure and lonely children looking for attention.
The teachers with questionable morals or blatantly open deviant lifestyles cannot hide who they are from your child.
In fact - they don't want to hide their behaviors - they want to convert the ideology you are teaching your child at home to the ideology by which they are living.
The ultimate responsibility for your child falls on your shoulders! You may delegate the responsibility of educating your child to the public schools.
But ultimately YOU are the one instructed to train the child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6).
In Deuteronomy 11:19-21 (King James Version) we find the following instructions on training our children: 18Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
First - we as parents and grandparents are to memorize the Words Of God and truly take them to heart.
This is a commandment that is largely ignored and forgotten.
How can we teach our children what we do not know ourselves? Or how can we teach them to live up to a standard above our example? 19.
And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Second we are to teach our children the things of God.
At every opportunity we are to be teaching them the ways and truths of God.
And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates: We are even supposed to write the precepts of our God on our doors and gates! God gives us a great promise for obedience to these instructions.
He says: 21.
That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth And we get a wonderful blessing by passing on God's truths to our children.
The children will continue in a life pleasing to God - and God will multiply our days in the land.
I see that as meaning at least in part - that as the teachings of God are given less importance - the land strays farther and farther from the center of God's will.
Eventually God no longer protects and blesses a land that doesn't honor and obey Him.
That is where we are today! It is time to take a page from the liberal handbook.
Put your time and money on winning the hearts and minds of the young people of America.
They are the future.
Perhaps there is still time to: Study and Lean the teachings of the Bible ourselves; To teach it to our children To gain God's favor in continuing to dwell in this land - both this generation as well as the next.
The song for this article is "Give Me that Old Time Religion".
I would like everyone to consider how the gospel was not only taught when my grandmother began her teaching career, but how that old time religion was LIVED then.
And then think on how the nation was blessed by our God because of the people who honored God.
One more thing, my grandmother was named Ina Mae Wright Weston.
She grew up at Bonnerdale, Arkansas.
She went to teaching school at Mt.
Ida, Arkansas.
She taught in a one room schoolhouse.
When she first taught school, she lived a set amount of time with the families of the students.
She lived and ate with these families as part of her salary - which included 'room and board'.
It was with one of the families that she met Gramps - Obed William Weston.
When you reach heaven - feel free to introduce yourself to Gramma.
I am certain you will have a warm welcome and a nice visit.
-- http://www.
htm Refrain 'Tis the old time religion, [or Give me that old time religion] 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me.
It was good for our mothers.
It was good for our mothers.
It was good for our mothers.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain Makes me love everybody.
Makes me love everybody.
Makes me love everybody.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain It has saved our fathers.
It has saved our fathers.
It has saved our fathers.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain It will do when I am dying.
It will do when I am dying.
It will do when I am dying.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain It will take us all to heaven.
It will take us all to heaven.
It will take us all to heaven.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain Thanks for reading my article.
God bless you - have a good day.
Barbara Henderson
I see the problem starting with a misunderstanding regarding 'WHO" is acceptable as a teacher? People with reprehensible character are routinely hired as teachers - with the erroneous ideology or mind set that 'what they do on their own time is their own business and doesn't matter".
Well - of course it matters - selfish, immoral, and undisciplined behavior will show up in every aspect of someone's life - and eventually in the work place.
Immoral behavior is a 24 hour a day job! In the 1920's - my grandmother became at teacher.
She finished school at 17 years of age - and immediately went to teaching school.
The school lasted a total of six weeks.
The school was taught by a preacher.
ON day one of the class - He said, "A teacher MUST be called to teach, just as a preacher is called to preach.
If YOU are NOT convinced you are called by God to teach - then please go home.
This is not where you are supposed to be!!! If you asked a teaching student TODAY if he or she were called to teach by God - they would probably say - "Gee - I don't know - let me check my voice mail!' At that time when Gramma went to teaching college, the 3 main callings from God (outside raising a family) were considered to be preaching, teaching, and healing.
Today - the majority of the preachers, teachers, and healers (doctors and nurses) consider them selves professional.
And that is a second great problem.
I am sticking with the old school of thought - a teacher DOES need to be called to teach - just as a preacher should be called to preach.
By the way, a 'calling' is divine direction.
It is something that is undertaking a mission with passion and determination.
There is a sense of duty that is beyond anything a mere profession can bring about.
A 'profession' on the other hand is a career one chooses.
If one takes his or her profession seriously - the job will be done as required in a timely manner.
But all these things will also be done by someone who is 'called' into a specific area.
Maybe you could say that those called to any field will behave as professionals - but their purpose for being there is broader.
One who is called into a field of service will most certainly do a professional job - but the first thought will be "is the mission being accomplished as God intended?" In Gramma's 'teaching instruction class' - there were some instructions on 'how' to teach - but the main emphasis was on WHAT to teach.
The main thing was to teach students to love God, keep the commandments, and have a good work ethic.
A good work ethic is instilled partly by requiring a student to consistently do a good job as a student.
Gramma said it was of the utmost importance that the home and the school require the same things of the student.
The discipline, acceptable entertainment, work requirements, and Christian example must be fully compatible.
Otherwise, the student is confused.
And worse - they will believe they have an option to take the easier path.
That is what we see today.
Behavior that is totally unacceptable at home is considered fully acceptable at school.
There is no real connection between the school and the home.
In fact, the school is more likely to conceal improper behavior or even be a part of it than to let the parents know what is going on.
In Gramma's day the parents and teacher worked together.
The misbehaving child had no where to hide - much less any sympathy.
That is certainly a far cry from what is going on today.
And Personal character did matter in those days.
If some of the people applying for teaching positions today had applied then they would probably have been told to go work in a "house' that would find their promiscuous life style profitable.
You might also be surprised to note that children of that era received excellent educations.
Gramma taught everything up to advanced math - including algebra 1 and beginning geometry.
She actually had 72 students her busiest year.
Gramma said it wasn't that hard.
She just started with the oldest students, then progressed downward through the grades with an easier version of the same lesson.
Older students finished first - and then helped the younger students.
And parents looked over the lessons each night - and helped finish any homework.
And that was how it worked then.
And in case you don't know it - people of that era placed a very high value on getting their children an education.
The standard of reading well was that the student be able to read and understand the Bible - and I mean the king James version because that was what was available then.
Oh - one more thing - I know and am related to some wonderful teachers.
I am certainly not lumping all teachers into the categories of promiscuous, immoral, and selfish.
But as long as self absorbed immature narcissistic teachers are routinely hired and tolerated the situation will only grow worse.
Something of importance here for anyone raising a child is to realize the behavior of teachers in public school does have an influence on your child.
Teachers talk about things they do outside class.
An attractive teacher of either gender is noticed by students and children looking for role models.
They are noticed by students looking for ways to feel grown up.
They are noticed by insecure and lonely children looking for attention.
The teachers with questionable morals or blatantly open deviant lifestyles cannot hide who they are from your child.
In fact - they don't want to hide their behaviors - they want to convert the ideology you are teaching your child at home to the ideology by which they are living.
The ultimate responsibility for your child falls on your shoulders! You may delegate the responsibility of educating your child to the public schools.
But ultimately YOU are the one instructed to train the child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6).
In Deuteronomy 11:19-21 (King James Version) we find the following instructions on training our children: 18Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
First - we as parents and grandparents are to memorize the Words Of God and truly take them to heart.
This is a commandment that is largely ignored and forgotten.
How can we teach our children what we do not know ourselves? Or how can we teach them to live up to a standard above our example? 19.
And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Second we are to teach our children the things of God.
At every opportunity we are to be teaching them the ways and truths of God.
And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates: We are even supposed to write the precepts of our God on our doors and gates! God gives us a great promise for obedience to these instructions.
He says: 21.
That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth And we get a wonderful blessing by passing on God's truths to our children.
The children will continue in a life pleasing to God - and God will multiply our days in the land.
I see that as meaning at least in part - that as the teachings of God are given less importance - the land strays farther and farther from the center of God's will.
Eventually God no longer protects and blesses a land that doesn't honor and obey Him.
That is where we are today! It is time to take a page from the liberal handbook.
Put your time and money on winning the hearts and minds of the young people of America.
They are the future.
Perhaps there is still time to: Study and Lean the teachings of the Bible ourselves; To teach it to our children To gain God's favor in continuing to dwell in this land - both this generation as well as the next.
The song for this article is "Give Me that Old Time Religion".
I would like everyone to consider how the gospel was not only taught when my grandmother began her teaching career, but how that old time religion was LIVED then.
And then think on how the nation was blessed by our God because of the people who honored God.
One more thing, my grandmother was named Ina Mae Wright Weston.
She grew up at Bonnerdale, Arkansas.
She went to teaching school at Mt.
Ida, Arkansas.
She taught in a one room schoolhouse.
When she first taught school, she lived a set amount of time with the families of the students.
She lived and ate with these families as part of her salary - which included 'room and board'.
It was with one of the families that she met Gramps - Obed William Weston.
When you reach heaven - feel free to introduce yourself to Gramma.
I am certain you will have a warm welcome and a nice visit.
-- http://www.
htm Refrain 'Tis the old time religion, [or Give me that old time religion] 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me.
It was good for our mothers.
It was good for our mothers.
It was good for our mothers.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain Makes me love everybody.
Makes me love everybody.
Makes me love everybody.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain It has saved our fathers.
It has saved our fathers.
It has saved our fathers.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain It will do when I am dying.
It will do when I am dying.
It will do when I am dying.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain It will take us all to heaven.
It will take us all to heaven.
It will take us all to heaven.
And it's good enough for me.
Refrain Thanks for reading my article.
God bless you - have a good day.
Barbara Henderson