Six Simple Rules For Better Articles
Unfortunately this has also led to a proliferation of poorly conceived and badly written articles being published.
As the webmaster of a "human edited" article directory I have the opportunity to review many articles and it seems obvious that many authors are missing the point.
Of the thousands of articles I have analyzed, on numerous directories, I have found that many of them have the same reoccurring issue and that is...
excessive repetition of a keyword or phrase, I am sure the author believes this will make his/her article stand out when the search engine's robot analyses the page.
In truth, considering the fact that in order to improve the relevancy of their results, search engines frequently adjust their policies and criteria for listing, this practice could very well have the opposite to the desired effect and this is why I say "Authors are missing the point".
Even a poorly written article submitted to a multitude of directories will most likely produce results, however a well written and executed article, submitted to fewer directories will get more notice by other bloggers and webmasters and if the content of that article matches their content need they may elect to re-publish the article on their sites thereby giving the author more and better quality backlinks.
While excessive repetition of keywords and phrases is a major issue, it is not the only one so in that light I am listing "Six Simple Rules to Better Article Writing" below.
Make your content relevant to the title: In other words don't suggest in your title that you are about to give the reader the secret to shedding 30lbs of excess weight, then simply tell them to buy a diet product then repeat the name of the product a dozen times.
Give your reader valid information and explain the benefits of purchasing your diet product.
Structure you articles by paragraph: Always separate each paragraph with a paragraph brake (clicking Enter twice or using the tag) this make it easier for the reader and creates a more visually appealing layout.
Double check your spelling: Spelling and Grammar are important, no webmaster wants to take the time to correct your mistakes before re-publishing or syndicating your work.
One of the quickest ways to get your work rejected is to submit articles with spelling errors, it could even get you "blacklisted" from some directories, so always double check.
Do not fill your article with links: Directories will generally decline articles with more than two or three links in the body of your article.
As for affiliate links, most directories will not accept articles with links which lead directly to an affiliate program and no one will re-publish such articles.
Length of your articles: Your article should be at least 250 words long, ideally, you should try to keep the length between 500 and 1600 words, well constructed and written articles of this length are preferred by publisher on the Internet.
Last but far from least: Write your articles with the reader in mind not the search engines.
When the reader finds and article which is interesting and informative he/she is more likely to read it in it's entirety, thus making it a far more valuable resource for you, your readers and of course the webmasters who may choose to re-publish it.