The World Rests on Injustce?
The injustice has been there from the very outset. The United Nations Organisation, the bye-product of the Second World War is also founded on the injustice of veto power granted to the permanent members. Do these members today use their Veto power judiciously? China and Russia spoke against a western interference in Libiya but are still afraid of vetoing the U.N resolutions. The NATO is crossing limits of the norms of International Law. The reason for all this may be the dawn of a unipolar world. The situation of the bi-polar world under the U.S and the U.S.S..R. is nomore there. The state of cold war was better than the the belligerant acts of the member states of the NATO and the U.N. against the allegedly erring nations.
You just look at the victims. The alleged offenders are scapegoats of western collusions under the leadership of the world police, the U.S.
I was totally shaken and stirred by the mishaps and human tragedy encounterd by the people of Iraq in the last century. I expected that there would be some thing to cheer about in the end. But nothing auspicious came out. Hundreds of thousands of people perished. Mr. Saddam looked more heroic than the so-called champions of democracy. Of course I had expected a more consolidated and planned fight back from Saddam. But he dejected his well-wishers by helplessly allowing a cake-walk to the opposition.
Recently we have again seen some unrest in the Gulf, Arabic countries of North Africa. The movement to throw out the autocratic rule in Egypt was followed by Libiya,Bahrain,Ivory Coast. The pioneering Egyptian freedom movement was unique and it deserves a special mention. The movement was not nurtured by external forces. There was no external intervention either in any stage of the activity. It was indeed the people who have organised the entire struggle. The struggle was not for bread; on the other hand it was meant to achieve dignity and freedom of the people. People were tired of the boredom of autocracy. they genuinely wanted democracy.
I am keenly looking forward to the next happening in Egypt. Will the Military wield power to suppress the will of the People. I do not think that the people there will let the Military to supplant power.The Tahrir Square is again becoming the epicentre of hectic activities with slogans against the military usurper Marshall Muhammed Hussain Thantav.The hardwork of their struggle will be fruitful only in the establishment of democracy in Egypt. They no more need some one like Hosni Mubarak.
The struggle in Libiya and Baharain has taken clue from the Egyptian story. In Baharain it was suppressed. In Libiya it is still going on. The NATO and the U.N. have intervened to remove Gaddafi from power. Yeman,Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria are waiting in the queue for their turn to join in the fight against autocracy and to win freedom and democracy.The people of these nations shall be vigilant in not giving any role to the west even as mediators. They will take the most of the opportunity to to amass wealth in the form of oil.They kill innocent people by taking part in the struggle under the banner of U.N or NATO. The West under the pretext of peace-keepers are trying to fish in the muddled waters. The U.S. and its partners in this bloody business want to extract the huge catch of Oil.
In all these violent struggles one can inevitably see the killing of innocent civilians, incidentally most of the killed belong to the Islam religion. On one side the Moslems go on creating and recreating and on the other side they are being killed by the U.S. in Libiya, Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere.
The only country where the Moslems are safe from the onslaught of the West is India. Here only Moslems can live on peacefully. They can even enjoy allowances of the Government which are even denied to the majority Hindu community. In spite of this the Moslems are discontent and take weapons against India … But why? I doubt that the west is still using the tool of divide and rule policy here too. , therefore, exhort the Moslems and the Hindus to come to live a life of Fraternity to deny entrance to the western manoveres.
Instead of going after begging the support of the U.S for a permanet membership in the U.N. Security Council, India shall try to find international support for abolishing the provision of Veto power and permanent membership.
As a postscript I am temped to note timing of the Indian anti-corruption movement led by the veteran Gandhian Anna Hasare and the successful grand finale of his fast at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi.India is not protesting autocracy. It is waging a non-violent war against corruption in the parliamentary Democracy.