Acceptance is the First Step in Overcoming Depression and Anxiety
All I knew was that I was waking up early each morning and was unable to get back to sleep.
As time went on I became more and more fatigued, yet had to try and put on a happy and positive mask, as I was working in sales environment where this was essential.
As a man, I felt I should have been able to sort this out for myself, and when I wasn't able to, I felt more and more desperate.
Eventually my outlook was so bleak that it lead to 3 suicide attempts.
Thankfully they weren't successful, and not seeing any other option, I saw a psychiatrist who admitted me to a psychiatric hospital.
I was prescribed anti depressants the next day.
Fortunately I responded quickly to them, and with in 2 weeks I was back at work.
Whilst this was 20 years ago and the awareness of depression was very low, like many people (particularly men) I found it very difficult to admit that I wasn't coping.
I felt it reflected a weakness and didn't want others to know.
I came agonisingly close to not ever finding out that depression is a very treatable illness and that I could go on to lead a very fulfilling life.
My big mistake was not reaching out for help earlier.
I felt people would think less of me, for not being "on top of the world" but I have found that exactly the opposite is true.
When I told my story people felt comfortable telling me theirs and what I found out was that the vast majority of people had someone close to them who has been through depression.
Admitting and accepting that there are some things you need outside help with, is the first step to getting better.
That is why the first step in 12 step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, is conceding that you aren't coping with life and accepting you need help.
It is very interesting that people feel little hesitation in seeing a doctor about a physical problem such as a sprained ankle or chicken pox yet feel highly reluctant to discuss stress, anxiety, depression or fatigue with that same doctor.
Often a loved one witnesses the decline and encourages the person to seek help only to find that some people (particularly men) find seeking help an almost impossible step to take.
So many exasperated spouses and partners have contacted me with a partner in obvious distress, but they can't get them to discuss the problem with a doctor.
What I have also come to understand through personal experience and research is that the earlier you start anxiety and depression treatment strategies (based on the right diagnosis) the faster you will recover.
There is nothing wrong with trying to solve things yourself (as many men want to do), but it is very important that you put a time limit on your attempts.
If your action plan doesn't yield an improvement in symptoms in 2 weeks, you must discuss it with a GP.
Ignorance definitely isn't bliss.
A competent GP can help put together a depression and anxiety treatment plan so that you can start your path out of the black hole.
Without a proper treatment plan it like trying to plot your way through a city in the midst of a black out without a map.
The right mental health professional is able to provide the light and the map.