Ruined Rural Economy India - Metal Or Stomach Part 5
what i believe "Indian farmers equate land to that of their mother, then how can someone separate sons of soil from mother's lap.
Without metal, you can survive; but without grains, none" On 28 February 2007, before I share my views with my esteem readers, I am sure that the Indian would have already been acquainted with the pros and cons of MM-PC (Man Mohan - P Chidambaram) Ruruinomics (Word used for Ruined Rural Economic) of Farming sector in his Budget presentation.
An old Indian saying that two thieves are country cousins amongst themselves befits today's leadership.
Will any sensible leader of this country reply, as to what should Indian Railway earn rupees 18000 Crores profit from poverty ridden citizens of this country? Ultimately, why this visionless leadership of today is dragging India towards the most unstable economy in the world? Is my assertion that the present Indian government is the only government of its kind, which plunders her citizens, correct? "As the character of leaders in our country is like a Potato, by and large, they can not be relied upon" In my previous four articles, I have rationalized various effects of rising prices on a common man in general and government's policies on farmers in particular.
Today, once again, I am going to enlarge my debate on acquisition of farming land for industrial purposes and killing of helpless farmers with Guns and muscles power.
Every citizen understands that both parameters; one, the pace of development; and two, requirement of farmers prime land are indispensable industrial purposes require due attention.
But, no State has the right to snatch away livelihood of hundreds of families and ruin their generation after generation's future at the behest of a few short sighted elected or selected leaders, who support or oppose any cause in this country, with the lure and greed of pecuniary benefits.
As the character of leader in our country is like a Potato, by and large, they can not be relied upon.
One can have faith in serpent but not in today's leadership.
These leaders support or disagreement can be horse traded at will.
If the people are not happy than what is the use of development and for whom? There is a definite need for all of us to weigh development with respect to livelihood of larger section of society.
I would suggest that all developing countries should review their development policies with respect to the needs of local populace rather than Western nation's whims and fancies of trade strictures.
The following suggested measures are for the Government of India (GOI):- oFirstly, reclaim vast tracts of waste land in desert, mountains and other places to establish industries.
All endeavors should be made to identify unused, uneven and unbuildable land mass and reclaim it for setting industrial units along foot hills of Himalayas, along river courses, large lakes and water bodies, out skirts of metro-cities and sea coast.
Such pieces should be reclaimed over a period of time and used to set up industries.
oSecondly, do not acquire farmers cultivating and agricultural land which they are harvesting through ages but create additional infrastructure to increase farming produce but set up agro friendly industries to avoid large transportations, labor, and material.
If an industry is establish close to farming sector produce, both the industry and agro sector would be benefited.
My first recommendation of adopting Som Kalpna Spiraling Rural Economy Cycle (SKSREC), requires attention of our economists otherwise the criminalization of Indian society would be at rapid pace.
It involves creating local small scale industries to absorb agro products and produce finish goods to one, meet local area demands; two, fulfill both farmers and industrial basic needs; three, provide source of additional income to locals; four, utilizations of raw material locally; five, reduce large transportation expenditures, and six, finally meet everyone's aspirations and needs.
oThirdly, there is a definite requirement to renaissance Indian rural and farming economic sector.
The mere lips service of MM-PC duos, on 28 February 2007 has by and large disappointed a common man.
After bleeding a common man for three long years, whom does the duo want to befool.
The personifications of Manmohanomics and Chidambaramoics have so far ruined the entire rural economy of India.
The second recommendation of SKSRE cycle is to produce, pack, finalize, distribute and absorb the local produce in local market conditions.
Various small scale industries which can use wheat, rice, potato and other local perishable produce to convert in eatable food products should be encouraged.
These industries, in addition to improving and resuscitating local economy would also provide employment and source of income to farming sector, thereby, generating local employment.
oFourthly, there is a need to prevent rural migration to urban green pastures and this can only be achieved by Som's Reverse Cycle of Nature (SRCN).
In this process, the rotating crop pattern is adopted so that local raw material produced for local consumption and finished product is used for urban feeding.
The system can be best explained with the means of rice crop.
To create employment and market for paddy crop, its cultivation can be rotated through out the year.
All four products of paddy crop such as rice grain, barn, rind and silage can provide employment and economy to entire populace around their agricultural belt.
Why I truly mean that one industries intake should be product of other field.
If this principle of SRCN is followed, India would be the most prosperous country to live in.
oFifthly, my new design of economic resuscitation is more pragmatic than ever.
In this method of economic development you need to use the waste and garbage produce of an industrial unit to resuscitate other unit.
Such as heat, water and air pressure generated in factories to be recycled to meet the electricity and water requirement of farmers.
This model is based on Kalpna's Everlasting Economic Loop (KEEL).
In this methodology we need to plan our industry and agro units in such a manner that industrial waste is used to make land fertile and agro produce to run industrial unit.
Take the example of Paddy crop that a Sheller to shell rice out from barn and rind and barn and rind used to produce card board unit, similarly silage can be used in paper and card board producing unit.
The water and waste produced from Industrial Unit can be used to irrigate land and hot air to generate electricity to run tube well and unit itself.
In the KEEL pattern of development one sector's need is other sector's produce.
It will generate an unending cycle of Employment as well thus KEEL will result in Continuous Cycle of Employment (CCE).
There is a need to differentiate between hunger, thrust and starvation of a common man and requirement of television computers and cars.
Setting up large industries at prime agricultural land is not going to help a common man.
A common Indian is not going to eat computers, cars and television but rice, wheat and sugar.
Willing neglect of agro sector has cost India a large number of farmers lives.
The surge in foreign direct investment is a debt trap to make Indian market prices go up.
The Western gimmick of crude oil prices has if not raised their countries price index, than why Indian market prices have gone up.
Actually who have been benefited with market index jump from 4600 point to 14000 points is the question to investigate? Large numbers of market leader have earned millions of rupees by manipulating market through proxy investors thus converting Indian domestic farming sector towards my Debt Economy Concept (DEC).
The preference of metal over stomach had really made a common man cry.
After analyzing various measures to improve farming sectors, I will touch upon three basic contribution of FM of today's budget.
oWhy there is a need to increase education cess from 2% to 3% and setting aside rupees 6000 Crores as scholarship incentive for deserving poor and reserve categories? How long GOI would victimize common peoples, better known in schedule cast leaders language Upper class citizens, who are denied the basic right of education, employment and social status due to bad education, development and divisive policies of various political parties from the day of Independence, 26 January 1950.
Why GOI have increased taxes so much to make higher education out side the reach of a common middle income group citizens.
I with over rupee 22,000 income per moth can not afford to pay rupees 1, 85, 000 per month for my one children's higher education fee.
The MM-PC squabbling reply to give liberalize loans to students is a foolish man's arrogance only.
Why should our children be put under loan debt and make their future miserable.
I have observed that a large number of students who had taken education loans, by and large, are suffering from primary hyper tension by mere thinking as to how to repay loans.
Why at all not to make education affordable to all.
I am of the opinion that MM-PC duo is going to only waste rupees 6000 Crores.
How many deserving students would be benefited God know? Is this the crippling vision of Manmohanomics? oUltimately, Indian FM had realized that people do not eat computers and cars.
Human being needs grains to live.
Who all would be benefited from Chidambaramonomic? His crocodile tears and emerging passion of false love towards farming and agro sector is well perceived as another nail in already lowering coffin of Indian farmers' in graveyards.
The industrial and manufacturing sectors had in fact plundered a common man from past three years of anti-farm sector budgets.
The duos have not even learnt from past and still failed to do any thing to increase agro productivity.
In fact, our businessman is one of the most selfish people who can forgo all responsibilities towards country, society or citizens for pecuniary benefits.
The truth can be ascertained from agro export and fertilizer import ratio in last three years.
o At last, I would review the over all impact of all budgets on Ruruinomics.
The tern is coined to define ruing of rural economy of the country.
I feel that it is a very deep routed conspiracy of some traitors in the country to totally ruined and destroy Indian rural and farming economy.
oFirst, GOI, increased fertilizers cost so much that a bag of even Urea went outside the reach of a common farmer; oSecond, once again GOI hawks made sure that all basic varieties of Indian aboriginal seeds have vanished from the country altogether; oThird, No emphasis on most of the Indian sugarcane, cotton, rice, wheat and other crops seed varieties research and development given; oFourth two to ten lakhs of rupees are given by careless and visionless cheap and jester leaders to every citizen of country on any accident or mishap but to maintain vote bank but merely two to three Crore rupees seeds can not be given free to farmers; oFifth; why and why farming sector has been neglected from last three years? Why the ban on trading of staple wheat felt now when corrupt people had already earned profits equal to next ten years of income.
oSixthly; I would say that the extending loan to dying farming sector is the only remedy to overcome problems.
How would poor Indian farmers repay loan.
Once why and why should a farmer look for loan when he could have earned without it.
The MM-PM Ruruinomics Strategy has succeeded in making over 3000 farmers commit suicide.
oSeventhly, generate, set up and make provision of basic requirements of farmers to enhance agro yield in local areas as per my KEEL and CCE model of development.
Why has MM-PC followed unidirectional Ruruinomics policies of destroying Indian farmer's basic infrastructures? To set up large industries without analyzing various effects, became real cause of ruining rural economics.
I would also try to bring out over all effect on a common man of a failed governments endeavour to boost metal economy over grains economy.
I am of the view that without metal, people have lived for ages; but without grains, no one can survive longer.
The issue of my debate is the government neglect of farming and agro base development with respect to industrial development of metal.
The continuous falling home grain stock has forced the government to import various food grain products? Why three monkeys of Mahatma have done so? While carrying out Indian villages' survey, I came across about stunning facts as to why large number of farmers have either gone on contract farming or cultivated half of their land holding.
The study revealed that most of the farmers were unable to arrange enough resource to sow entire land holdings due to rising prices of seeds, electricity, fertilizers, diesel and cultivating instrument.
Who suffered because of GOI apathy towards farmers? Of course, the poor Indian citizen, a common laborer and a man on the streets suffered the most.
On 24 February 2007, I was once again pained to see when news of another farmer's suicide was flashed on television channels.
First factor of this pitiable state is attributes to our corrupt government officials at all levels.
Despite of governments best policies and schemes why the actual benefit never reaches to deserving farmers? Every extended loan scheme, introduced to help farmers to get rid of bad debts, only filled the coffin of bank employees, government officials and local village bodies.
The farmers still continue to commit suicide as ever before.
Why the new Concept of Loanonmics (COL) is being developed on my discarded DEC forced on Indian? Over 3000 Indian farmer's suicides have not opened eyes of Indian leaders' and they want to start another chain of student's suicide in the agro predominant country.
Why GOI wants to crush future Indian generations under debt? In fact we have not understood as to why our leadership is pushing the entire country towards loan and loan burden only.
When Indian can live without loan, than why should they take loan? The loan economy concept has resulted in ruining Indian farming sector.
Jai Hind The article debates about the various pros and cons of last three anti-farmer budgets and its effect on common man.
The various factors which ruined farming sector are analyzed.
It discusses the need of debt economy for students, farmers and other common man.
It suggests various measures to prevent further retardation of agro sector.
Without metal, you can survive; but without grains, none" On 28 February 2007, before I share my views with my esteem readers, I am sure that the Indian would have already been acquainted with the pros and cons of MM-PC (Man Mohan - P Chidambaram) Ruruinomics (Word used for Ruined Rural Economic) of Farming sector in his Budget presentation.
An old Indian saying that two thieves are country cousins amongst themselves befits today's leadership.
Will any sensible leader of this country reply, as to what should Indian Railway earn rupees 18000 Crores profit from poverty ridden citizens of this country? Ultimately, why this visionless leadership of today is dragging India towards the most unstable economy in the world? Is my assertion that the present Indian government is the only government of its kind, which plunders her citizens, correct? "As the character of leaders in our country is like a Potato, by and large, they can not be relied upon" In my previous four articles, I have rationalized various effects of rising prices on a common man in general and government's policies on farmers in particular.
Today, once again, I am going to enlarge my debate on acquisition of farming land for industrial purposes and killing of helpless farmers with Guns and muscles power.
Every citizen understands that both parameters; one, the pace of development; and two, requirement of farmers prime land are indispensable industrial purposes require due attention.
But, no State has the right to snatch away livelihood of hundreds of families and ruin their generation after generation's future at the behest of a few short sighted elected or selected leaders, who support or oppose any cause in this country, with the lure and greed of pecuniary benefits.
As the character of leader in our country is like a Potato, by and large, they can not be relied upon.
One can have faith in serpent but not in today's leadership.
These leaders support or disagreement can be horse traded at will.
If the people are not happy than what is the use of development and for whom? There is a definite need for all of us to weigh development with respect to livelihood of larger section of society.
I would suggest that all developing countries should review their development policies with respect to the needs of local populace rather than Western nation's whims and fancies of trade strictures.
The following suggested measures are for the Government of India (GOI):- oFirstly, reclaim vast tracts of waste land in desert, mountains and other places to establish industries.
All endeavors should be made to identify unused, uneven and unbuildable land mass and reclaim it for setting industrial units along foot hills of Himalayas, along river courses, large lakes and water bodies, out skirts of metro-cities and sea coast.
Such pieces should be reclaimed over a period of time and used to set up industries.
oSecondly, do not acquire farmers cultivating and agricultural land which they are harvesting through ages but create additional infrastructure to increase farming produce but set up agro friendly industries to avoid large transportations, labor, and material.
If an industry is establish close to farming sector produce, both the industry and agro sector would be benefited.
My first recommendation of adopting Som Kalpna Spiraling Rural Economy Cycle (SKSREC), requires attention of our economists otherwise the criminalization of Indian society would be at rapid pace.
It involves creating local small scale industries to absorb agro products and produce finish goods to one, meet local area demands; two, fulfill both farmers and industrial basic needs; three, provide source of additional income to locals; four, utilizations of raw material locally; five, reduce large transportation expenditures, and six, finally meet everyone's aspirations and needs.
oThirdly, there is a definite requirement to renaissance Indian rural and farming economic sector.
The mere lips service of MM-PC duos, on 28 February 2007 has by and large disappointed a common man.
After bleeding a common man for three long years, whom does the duo want to befool.
The personifications of Manmohanomics and Chidambaramoics have so far ruined the entire rural economy of India.
The second recommendation of SKSRE cycle is to produce, pack, finalize, distribute and absorb the local produce in local market conditions.
Various small scale industries which can use wheat, rice, potato and other local perishable produce to convert in eatable food products should be encouraged.
These industries, in addition to improving and resuscitating local economy would also provide employment and source of income to farming sector, thereby, generating local employment.
oFourthly, there is a need to prevent rural migration to urban green pastures and this can only be achieved by Som's Reverse Cycle of Nature (SRCN).
In this process, the rotating crop pattern is adopted so that local raw material produced for local consumption and finished product is used for urban feeding.
The system can be best explained with the means of rice crop.
To create employment and market for paddy crop, its cultivation can be rotated through out the year.
All four products of paddy crop such as rice grain, barn, rind and silage can provide employment and economy to entire populace around their agricultural belt.
Why I truly mean that one industries intake should be product of other field.
If this principle of SRCN is followed, India would be the most prosperous country to live in.
oFifthly, my new design of economic resuscitation is more pragmatic than ever.
In this method of economic development you need to use the waste and garbage produce of an industrial unit to resuscitate other unit.
Such as heat, water and air pressure generated in factories to be recycled to meet the electricity and water requirement of farmers.
This model is based on Kalpna's Everlasting Economic Loop (KEEL).
In this methodology we need to plan our industry and agro units in such a manner that industrial waste is used to make land fertile and agro produce to run industrial unit.
Take the example of Paddy crop that a Sheller to shell rice out from barn and rind and barn and rind used to produce card board unit, similarly silage can be used in paper and card board producing unit.
The water and waste produced from Industrial Unit can be used to irrigate land and hot air to generate electricity to run tube well and unit itself.
In the KEEL pattern of development one sector's need is other sector's produce.
It will generate an unending cycle of Employment as well thus KEEL will result in Continuous Cycle of Employment (CCE).
There is a need to differentiate between hunger, thrust and starvation of a common man and requirement of television computers and cars.
Setting up large industries at prime agricultural land is not going to help a common man.
A common Indian is not going to eat computers, cars and television but rice, wheat and sugar.
Willing neglect of agro sector has cost India a large number of farmers lives.
The surge in foreign direct investment is a debt trap to make Indian market prices go up.
The Western gimmick of crude oil prices has if not raised their countries price index, than why Indian market prices have gone up.
Actually who have been benefited with market index jump from 4600 point to 14000 points is the question to investigate? Large numbers of market leader have earned millions of rupees by manipulating market through proxy investors thus converting Indian domestic farming sector towards my Debt Economy Concept (DEC).
The preference of metal over stomach had really made a common man cry.
After analyzing various measures to improve farming sectors, I will touch upon three basic contribution of FM of today's budget.
oWhy there is a need to increase education cess from 2% to 3% and setting aside rupees 6000 Crores as scholarship incentive for deserving poor and reserve categories? How long GOI would victimize common peoples, better known in schedule cast leaders language Upper class citizens, who are denied the basic right of education, employment and social status due to bad education, development and divisive policies of various political parties from the day of Independence, 26 January 1950.
Why GOI have increased taxes so much to make higher education out side the reach of a common middle income group citizens.
I with over rupee 22,000 income per moth can not afford to pay rupees 1, 85, 000 per month for my one children's higher education fee.
The MM-PC squabbling reply to give liberalize loans to students is a foolish man's arrogance only.
Why should our children be put under loan debt and make their future miserable.
I have observed that a large number of students who had taken education loans, by and large, are suffering from primary hyper tension by mere thinking as to how to repay loans.
Why at all not to make education affordable to all.
I am of the opinion that MM-PC duo is going to only waste rupees 6000 Crores.
How many deserving students would be benefited God know? Is this the crippling vision of Manmohanomics? oUltimately, Indian FM had realized that people do not eat computers and cars.
Human being needs grains to live.
Who all would be benefited from Chidambaramonomic? His crocodile tears and emerging passion of false love towards farming and agro sector is well perceived as another nail in already lowering coffin of Indian farmers' in graveyards.
The industrial and manufacturing sectors had in fact plundered a common man from past three years of anti-farm sector budgets.
The duos have not even learnt from past and still failed to do any thing to increase agro productivity.
In fact, our businessman is one of the most selfish people who can forgo all responsibilities towards country, society or citizens for pecuniary benefits.
The truth can be ascertained from agro export and fertilizer import ratio in last three years.
o At last, I would review the over all impact of all budgets on Ruruinomics.
The tern is coined to define ruing of rural economy of the country.
I feel that it is a very deep routed conspiracy of some traitors in the country to totally ruined and destroy Indian rural and farming economy.
oFirst, GOI, increased fertilizers cost so much that a bag of even Urea went outside the reach of a common farmer; oSecond, once again GOI hawks made sure that all basic varieties of Indian aboriginal seeds have vanished from the country altogether; oThird, No emphasis on most of the Indian sugarcane, cotton, rice, wheat and other crops seed varieties research and development given; oFourth two to ten lakhs of rupees are given by careless and visionless cheap and jester leaders to every citizen of country on any accident or mishap but to maintain vote bank but merely two to three Crore rupees seeds can not be given free to farmers; oFifth; why and why farming sector has been neglected from last three years? Why the ban on trading of staple wheat felt now when corrupt people had already earned profits equal to next ten years of income.
oSixthly; I would say that the extending loan to dying farming sector is the only remedy to overcome problems.
How would poor Indian farmers repay loan.
Once why and why should a farmer look for loan when he could have earned without it.
The MM-PM Ruruinomics Strategy has succeeded in making over 3000 farmers commit suicide.
oSeventhly, generate, set up and make provision of basic requirements of farmers to enhance agro yield in local areas as per my KEEL and CCE model of development.
Why has MM-PC followed unidirectional Ruruinomics policies of destroying Indian farmer's basic infrastructures? To set up large industries without analyzing various effects, became real cause of ruining rural economics.
I would also try to bring out over all effect on a common man of a failed governments endeavour to boost metal economy over grains economy.
I am of the view that without metal, people have lived for ages; but without grains, no one can survive longer.
The issue of my debate is the government neglect of farming and agro base development with respect to industrial development of metal.
The continuous falling home grain stock has forced the government to import various food grain products? Why three monkeys of Mahatma have done so? While carrying out Indian villages' survey, I came across about stunning facts as to why large number of farmers have either gone on contract farming or cultivated half of their land holding.
The study revealed that most of the farmers were unable to arrange enough resource to sow entire land holdings due to rising prices of seeds, electricity, fertilizers, diesel and cultivating instrument.
Who suffered because of GOI apathy towards farmers? Of course, the poor Indian citizen, a common laborer and a man on the streets suffered the most.
On 24 February 2007, I was once again pained to see when news of another farmer's suicide was flashed on television channels.
First factor of this pitiable state is attributes to our corrupt government officials at all levels.
Despite of governments best policies and schemes why the actual benefit never reaches to deserving farmers? Every extended loan scheme, introduced to help farmers to get rid of bad debts, only filled the coffin of bank employees, government officials and local village bodies.
The farmers still continue to commit suicide as ever before.
Why the new Concept of Loanonmics (COL) is being developed on my discarded DEC forced on Indian? Over 3000 Indian farmer's suicides have not opened eyes of Indian leaders' and they want to start another chain of student's suicide in the agro predominant country.
Why GOI wants to crush future Indian generations under debt? In fact we have not understood as to why our leadership is pushing the entire country towards loan and loan burden only.
When Indian can live without loan, than why should they take loan? The loan economy concept has resulted in ruining Indian farming sector.
Jai Hind The article debates about the various pros and cons of last three anti-farmer budgets and its effect on common man.
The various factors which ruined farming sector are analyzed.
It discusses the need of debt economy for students, farmers and other common man.
It suggests various measures to prevent further retardation of agro sector.