Loving "Made In China" Tags

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I live on a small social security check and have to make my dollar buy as much as possible.
The big break I got was when the inexpensive made in China products became available.
My closet is now stocked with quality clothes, that all have the made in china tag.
My closet would be almost empty if I had to buy made in America clothing.
The same is true for the rest of the things in my apartment.
Without the availability of Chinese products my apartment would be almost empty.
The made in china toaster I recently bought cost me six bucks and it works just fine.
I saw a beautiful made in China winter coat and bought it for only twenty bucks.
It kept me warm through the whole winter.
Anybody that says Chinese products are poorly made has not tried them.
Every item I have purchased with the made in China tag is still with me.
They are great.
People who don't know the truth are always bad mouthing the made in China tag.
They say that those goods are produced with slave labor, and are inferior to American products.
That sounds like propaganda to me.
China has become a humane society and they treat their population as good as, or better than most countries.
As I said before their goods are fine, and also affordable.
Some say that Chinese products are putting Americans out of work.
In some cases that might be true.
But why should people be forced to buy an expensive made in America product to keep a person they don't even know working? If traveling was less expensive I would love to spend some time exploring their kind and understanding country.
Now that bargains flow freely from China to The United States I have spare money to wine and dine my lady friends.
We order martinis at dinner time and maketoasts to China and their affordable products.
The owners of the restaurant joins us in our toasts because they too love made in China bargains.
If the price or quality ofa product is out of line, China will come to our rescue.
Those individuals or countries thatover price their items will have to find a new business to go into.
My lady friends and I love to spend my savings wisely.
And we thank China for making it possible.
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