Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle -Fat Burning Secrets Revealed
I was amazed when I ran into him; if he hadn't had such a distinctive voice I would have never recognized him.
I would like to first point out that the reason I didn't recognize him is because he had lost over 300 pounds.
He looked amazing! I had to know what his secret was because I am a regular at my local gym at least 2-3 times a week and he actually had built a body that looked better than mine.
He told me that he had been tired of being over weight, tired of doctors telling him he would have knee joint problems if something wasn't done and done quickly.
My friend said that he had tried many different celebrity diet programs and they just didn't seem to work.
He had just about given up when he happened to stumble across an e-book titled Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle written by natural bodybuilder Tom Venuto.
If you don't know who Tom is, just pick up almost any bodybuilding magazine and I'm sure you will find him.
My friend allowed me to have a copy of the book and at first glance I was very intimidated.
This thing packs over 300 pages.
It was by far the largest e-book on health I had ever seen.
But don't let its vast size turn your head elsewhere, it's the type of book that is very easy to read unlike books that are hard to finish.
Be assured that this book contains all the essential information needed to achieve your health and fitness goals.
Let me start off by telling you that I enjoyed this book so much that in under a weeks time I was finished with it.
But don't think for a second that just because I read it the one time and then let it collect digital dust in a file folder on my computer somewhere.
I constantly "on a daily basis" refer back to this book for tips and fitness exercises.
Just to give you a free taste of what's in the book I will list the chapters.
Chapter 1: Goal Setting Chapter 2: Why 95% of all conventional Diets Fail Chapter 3: Body composition Chapter 4: Charting your progress Chapter 5: Metabolic individuality and your body type Chapter 6: The law of calorie balance and the mathematics of losing body fat Chapter 7: Secrets of meal frequency & timing Chapter 8: Macronutrient ratios Chapter 9: Good fats vs.
bad fats Chapter 10: Protein Chapter 11: Clearing up carbohydrate confusion Chapter 12: How to get as lean as a bodybuilder or fitness model using a new twist on the old low carbohydrate diet Chapter 13: Why water is essential for fat loss, how much you need, and what else you should (and shouldn't) drink Chapter 14: The "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle" eating plan Chapter 15: Supplements Chapter 16: Cardio training secrets for maximum fat loss Chapter 17: Weight training for fat loss What Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle does differently than the conventional diet program is 1.
The lack of individualization and 2.
Too much push for supplements and other products that are completely unnecessary.
Burn the Fat is the first program to take the best of all the programs, compile the good information into one detailed resource while tossing out the un-needed and over hyped junk.
This leaves us with universal principles that apply to everyone.
The great part about Tom's program is that instead of prescribing one generic program for everyone, this program has room to be personalized for the individual.
This is an absolute necessity for any kind of long term success.
You'll find that this book will start you off with the basic fundamentals (which it should, and you will have to master) Then you will simply have to adjust your personal program to your individuality.
Burn the fat offers not 1 but 4 different training programs.
Each of these four training programs comes with 2 schedules for those who have little time and those who are aggressive and really want to go for the goal.
It's the same with cardio, one program wont work for everyone so there must be a variety for the different shapes, sizes, and bodies that we all have.
What I personally liked about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is that through out the book it wasn't trying to promote something or sale me something.
It was pure information (great information) resource and a complete fat loss program that is meant for life, not just 12 months like other short term plans.
I highly recommend this book, the only possible way you will not have success is if you're looking for the quick and easy way.
This program requires dedication like most things that succeed.
The program requires a time investment and a real commitment to follow the principals in the book.
Long term fat loss and muscle gain is NOT quick and easy.
Set your goals high, work hard and learn the RIGHT way to burn fat.
I personally enjoyed reading this book and using it on a regular basis.
It comes as no surprise after reading this article about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle that this book is one of the most recommended fitness books on the internet.
I hope you enjoy yours as much as I did.