How to Separate Yourself From the Masses by Perfecting This "Million Dollar Skill"

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Why did you click on this article? The easy answer is because you wanted to know what it was about, which of course is true.
 However, the deeper reason why you clicked on this article speaks to the very content that I'm going to talk about today.
Words in print have tremendous power and if you can learn this one powerful skill, you can literally make money anywhere and at anytime.
 That skill is copywriting.
  98% of MLM/Network Marketers totally neglect or dismiss this skill because they simply don't understand its power, which give those 2% that do understand it a monstrous advantage.
  Writing good copy that gets people to read and take action requires a little bit of training and practice, but when you get a feel for it, you'll be able to compel people to do nearly anything you want them to do; visit a website, download a document, sign up for a class, purchase a product, etc.
  You might be resistant to the truth of that statement, and I understand, but give me a moment to prove it to you right now by using a trick that we're all familiar with.
 Have you ever had someone say to you, "Don't think about a pink elephant?" What's the first thing that you think about? That's right; a pink elephant!   The first rule to writing good copy is to understand human psychology.
 The mind responds to certain triggers and if you can flip those triggers correctly, you'll get the same results as you get with the pink elephant experiment.
 What do I mean? Human beings are emotional primarily and back it with logic, although they tend to think in the reverse.
 We all move away from pain and towards pleasure and it is upon this foundation that you begin to harness the power of good copy.
  Think about the headline of this article for one moment.
 There was something about that one sentence that compelled you to want to read more, wasn't it? That headline touched on a sub-conscious need for a solution to an existing problem and you wanted to get access to that solution, didn't you?  Now you've read down this far because following the headline, the copy was good enough for you to continue, wasn't it? This is the psychology of writing good copy.
 If the copy is good enough, the action steps that you want your reader to take will be discreetly planted all throughout the content, pushing on all sorts of buttons that create an emotional build up that, by the end of the article, will be sufficient to leave them thirsty for more.
  So, here's the question: If writing good copy is truly this powerful, why wouldn't you want to learn more about it? I know someone personally who writes articles as his ONLY way to generate business, and he does quite well.
 He knows the psychology of his audience, and he speaks to their pain in such a way that they want to be relieved of it instantly.
 He simply points them in the right direction, and they take action in mass.
  There's more to writing great copy that I can't get into right here, but hopefully I've generated enough thought that you'll at least give it strong consideration for building your business.
Are you still reading? Wow.
 This stuff really works, huh?
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