The Musical Symbols of Piano Notation

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Learn to read piano music with an illustrated walk-through. Get to know the piano's grand staff, music notes & note-accents, and various symbols and commands:
Image © Brandy Kraemer

Musical Glossaries:
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Reading Piano Music
Note-Lengths in U.K. & U.S. English
Notes of the Piano Keys
Memorize the Grand Staff Notes
Reading Music Rests

Piano Chords
Easy Bass Piano Chords
Chord Types & Symbols
Piano Chord Fingering
Diminished Chords & Dissonance

Reading Musical Symbols
Note Accents & Articulation Marks
How to Play Dotted Notes
Accidentals & Double-Accidentals
Reading Segno & Coda Repeats

Beginner Piano Lessons
Comparing Major & Minor
Understanding the Key Signature
Types of Barlines
BPM & Tempo Commands
Left Hand Piano Fingering

Piano Care
How to Safely Whiten Your Piano Keys
Learn ivory-safe methods for brightening up your acoustic piano keys, and find out what you can do to prevent keyboard yellowing.

When to Tune a Piano
Find out when (and how frequently) you should schedule a professional piano tuning to keep your piano healthy and on-pitch.

Easy-to-Spot Signs of Piano Damage
Before you buy or sell an acoustic piano, learn how to assess it for both internal and external damage.

Ideal Piano Temp & Humidity Levels
Maintain sound quality and piano health by monitoring the temperature, humidity, and natural light in your piano room.

? Musical Quizzes!
 ? Identify the Piano Keys
Beginner Quiz: Label and identify the white and black piano keys.

 ? Note Length & Rest Quiz (U.S. or U.K. English)
Beginner Quiz: Note names in American English are different from those in British English; this quiz is available in both variations.

 ? Grand Staff Notes Quiz
Beginner Quiz: The piano keyboard needs two staves to accommodate its large range of notes. Together, the treble and bass staves form the piano's "grand staff"; identify its notes.

 ? Tempo Command & BPM Quiz
Beginner Quiz: Test yourself on rhythm and tempo commands, Italian BPM terms, and metronome marks.

 ? Time Signature & Rhythm Quiz
Beginner/Intermediate Quiz: Name the time signatures and identify passages written with incorrect rhythms.

Musical Articulation:
 ? staccato
 ? tie
 ? (rfz) rinforzando
 ? arpeggiato
 ? accentato

Volume Commands & Symbols:
 ? (mf) mezzo forte
 ? (sfz) sforzando
 ? diminuendo
 ? al niente
 ? (fp) fortepiano

Common French Musical Terms:
 ? à l’aise
 ? doucement
 ? en ralentissant
 ? mi-doux
 ? très vite

German Musical Commands:
 ? anschwellend
 ? lebhaft
 ? geschwind
 ? fröhlich
 ? schnell

Related Glossaries
¦ Italian Music Commands

¦ Essential Piano Music Glossary

¦ German Musical Terms

How to Start Playing Piano:

Octave Naming & Pitch Notation
'Pitch class' refers to an octave from one C to the next. In pitch notation, the notes C4, D4, and B4 all belong to the same pitch class (in this example the fourth octave).

Finding Middle C on Different Keyboard Sizes
It's normal to be confused about the location of middle C, especially on keyboards with fewer than the standard 88 keys. Use this illustrated guide to find middle C and remember its location.

(M.S.) mano sinistra: “left hand”; the passage should be played with the left hand.

maestoso: to play “majestically”; to perform with grand, dignified expression. Maestoso is often used in the title of a musical composition, as in the first movement of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21 (Elvira Madigan), Allegro maestoso.

marcato: “marked; to make stand out.” Marcato refers to both a written/verbal command as well as a musical symbol affecting articulation. Indicates that a note or series of notes is to be played with accentuation. See accentato.

Marcatissimo is to make notes heavily accented.

martellato: (usually seen as a command for string sections, but has been and can be used to command piano music) to give notes a heavy, hammer-like accent.

marziale: “march-like”; see alla marcia.

melancolico: “full of melancholy”; to play in a painful, solemn, and mournful manner.

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