Best Small Business Ideas For Women - Spend Your Day Doing Something Very Rewarding, Be a Rent a Mom
Just think about it for a minute, how many kids either do not have a mommy or their mommy is much too busy at work to do the things that regular moms do.
Most moms are responsible for taking the kids shopping for school clothes or new backpacks.
They back cookies for the bake sale and they do all the events for the girls scouts.
They even become club moms for the boy scouts.
Moms are needed all the time and sometimes it is very frustrating if a kid does not have a mom handy.
This may one of the best small business ideas for women.
See, you are thinking about this now.
And you are thinking of all the things that moms do.
They carpool, they make costumes for the school play and they take the kids to the doctor and dentist appointments.
Now in some homes the best small business ideas for women may not want to rent a mom, they may want to rent a nanny or a maid, because these are the types of things that sometimes fill their jobs descriptions too.
But some families do not need maids or full time nannies; they just need to rent a mom every now and then.
This is one of the best small business ideas for women, because you can make really good money, you get advance notice when you are needed and you are really appreciated.