Good Foods to Eat If You Have Acid Reflux
- Create your meal plan based on foods that are easier to digest. This will reduce the amount of time the food spends in your stomach. Rice and steamed vegetables are an excellent choice. Make sure that you do not add any meat to these meals as that will make your acid reflux worse. Some other foods that are easy to digest include fruit, cottage cheese, cheese that has been aged, cooked beans and any sprouted seeds. You can also eat any type of whole grain product such as whole grain pasta, bread or cereal.
- Foods that are loaded with digestive enzymes will help naturally aid your stomach in digesting the foods. These include papayas, figs and pineapples. You may want to eat one of these at the close of your meal. You should also consider adding yogurt to your diet. Just make sure you are purchasing an all-natural yogurt and not the ones that are loaded with sugar. Yogurt is full of the good bacteria that your stomach needs to do its job properly. You may want to enjoy yogurt in between meals.
- You now need to take the foods that are beneficial for your stomach digestion and break them down in to six smaller meals each day, rather than three large meals. Large meals fill up the stomach and cause it to stretch. This can cause problems such as acid reflux. Eating six smaller meals can make a big difference. You should also eat your largest meal in the middle of the day, rather than later. Eating after five or six o'clock at night can increase the chances that you will suffer some acid reflux.