Unique Ideas for Giving Presentations
- Instead of just using PowerPoint to show numerous slides of bullet-pointed text, reduce or eliminate boredom by showing your audience video and audio clips. With file-sharing sites such as YouTube housing millions of videos, you're not lacking material. Keep media clips less than one minute long; the novelty will quickly wear off.
- A great way to keep your audience more captivated is to allow them to participate in your presentation. This can range from asking them questions during your speech to requesting that they split into smaller groups and discuss a particular aspect of your presentation. This allows your audience to think about the content of your speech and provide meaningful feedback.
- If you're talking about a particular product, try giving each audience member a prototype. This allows members to easily visualize what you're talking about. They can also assess the product for themselves and ask you questions, which will provide solid feedback upon which to make changes or improvements to your business.
- Inserting a joke or humorous anecdote now and again into your presentation is a good way to keep your audience interested. However, it's important that you prepare well: Know your audience members so you can tailor your humor to them. Be mindful of the audience's response. If your first couple of jokes fall flat, avoid saying any more.
Video and Audio
Audience Participation
Provide Handouts
Be Humorous