Internet Jobs: A canvas to paint your dreams
This has helped individuals to choose careers, other than the conventional job domain available, that comply with their interests and inclinations. Those who had flair for writing, had an artistic bent of mind or the itch to do something new which has never been done before; can now experiment and bring their imagination to life. Internet serves as a canvas, where one can paint with with their perception and produce something which catches everyone's attention.
Here I am not going to share the success stories of; people who have made it big with by putting together segments of their imagination to come up with technology-based products that have revolutionized several aspects of human life.
Internet is all about 'engagement' or how you make a visitor keep hooked to whatever you share or upload on the internet so that he or she keeps coming back for more. So let's take a look on what career domain fall under the umbrella of 'Internet jobs', so that this piece of writing helps you get started in that direction.
Social Media Ninja: Being a Social media ninja, doesn't mean that you will have to make use of limbs and combat yourself. However, as a social media ninja your weaponery would include; an arsenal of words, an eye for identify patterns, and a pro-active persona. Along with deep understanding of how to use several social media platforms, like: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc. You will manage the social media profiles of a brand or several brands, at once. As per a recent study, Social media, as a skill was among the 'Top 10 Hot Skills' in various job markets.
Blogger: Blogging has been one of the most convinient mediums towards establishing a reputation as an expert or a specialist, on a wide gamut of topics. Bloggers are regarded as credible sources of information and insights, that can range from domains, such as; fashion, sports, culinary arts, travel etc. To emerge as a reputed blogger, you would need to start a blog and share well researched and informative content, in your own style. However, once you establish yourself, make sure that you update your blog regularly, so that you do not lead your visitors to replace you with some other blogger. Also, your blogging experience is of real value as it is considered by; employers, universities or institutions.
These are the two roles, that can help you deep seat your career in the domain of 'Internet Jobs', as these are the roles, for which employers are facing resource crunch. And to wet your feet in any of the two profiles, you can start a pet-project, where you can create a page on any of the social media channels or set up a blog. This would help a recruiting manager validate and judge your skill level and help you paint your dreams to reality.