How to Improve Your Vertical - Exponential Factors to Increase Your Vertical Fast
Not all of us can jump very well.
Jumping in basketball and other sports is a completely different thing.
Jumping higher is so important when it comes to performing on a basketball court.
Every basketball player secretly cherishes a dream to be able to jump and dunk like Michael Jordan.
The most important factor regarding improving one's performance is that one should have a thorough knowledge of one's body - its capacities, strengths and weaknesses - before trying to achieve a certain aim.
If you are pursuing a way or method in how to improve your vertical jumping but have found that your methods and efforts have not really produced much then it is obvious that you are not going about it the proper way.
It is essential to find a program that is perfect for you and one that is specially geared and targeted towards training for vertical jumping.
Specific fibers that are present in your muscles are responsible for the generation of speed to make you spring faster and jump higher.
Exercises that you do should condition these particular fibers.
Your muscles should have speed in order to maximize and increase your jumping ability.
Strength alone will not be enough.
Contractual speed of your muscles is also essential.
Just as an elastic band that is stretched to its limits contracts immediately and instantly on being released, muscles that are fast will also catapult you higher.
The factor of muscle speed is usually ignored while athletes often tend to concentrate on strength alone.
Exercises like toe raises, deep knee jumps and bends, jumping rope, lunges and squats with weights or without, stair jumps and step ups etc are also beneficial.
Drills that help in providing a balance in endurance, speed and strength of your body is of utmost importance.
Doing drills that accomplish certain techniques while on the basketball court is necessary rather than just doing some general exercises that get you nowhere.
The use of a medicine ball drill is basketball specific as it is performed on a basketball court.
It increases awareness of the body and some resistance during jumping.
It also helps you to develop the much needed habit of "looking up" and "exploding" towards the basket rather than just straight up.
Drills and exercises that combine both knowledge of the game and an activity that conditions the body prepares the athlete to perform on a higher level.
The medicine ball if used should not be too heavy so as to allow speed in the movement without any "muscling" of the ball.
It is a good idea to do alternate sets using the regular basketball.
The idea behind using the medicine ball is to trick your nervous system to perform a faster movement when the drill/exercise is being done using a basketball.
Jumping in basketball and other sports is a completely different thing.
Jumping higher is so important when it comes to performing on a basketball court.
Every basketball player secretly cherishes a dream to be able to jump and dunk like Michael Jordan.
The most important factor regarding improving one's performance is that one should have a thorough knowledge of one's body - its capacities, strengths and weaknesses - before trying to achieve a certain aim.
If you are pursuing a way or method in how to improve your vertical jumping but have found that your methods and efforts have not really produced much then it is obvious that you are not going about it the proper way.
It is essential to find a program that is perfect for you and one that is specially geared and targeted towards training for vertical jumping.
Specific fibers that are present in your muscles are responsible for the generation of speed to make you spring faster and jump higher.
Exercises that you do should condition these particular fibers.
Your muscles should have speed in order to maximize and increase your jumping ability.
Strength alone will not be enough.
Contractual speed of your muscles is also essential.
Just as an elastic band that is stretched to its limits contracts immediately and instantly on being released, muscles that are fast will also catapult you higher.
The factor of muscle speed is usually ignored while athletes often tend to concentrate on strength alone.
Exercises like toe raises, deep knee jumps and bends, jumping rope, lunges and squats with weights or without, stair jumps and step ups etc are also beneficial.
Drills that help in providing a balance in endurance, speed and strength of your body is of utmost importance.
Doing drills that accomplish certain techniques while on the basketball court is necessary rather than just doing some general exercises that get you nowhere.
The use of a medicine ball drill is basketball specific as it is performed on a basketball court.
It increases awareness of the body and some resistance during jumping.
It also helps you to develop the much needed habit of "looking up" and "exploding" towards the basket rather than just straight up.
Drills and exercises that combine both knowledge of the game and an activity that conditions the body prepares the athlete to perform on a higher level.
The medicine ball if used should not be too heavy so as to allow speed in the movement without any "muscling" of the ball.
It is a good idea to do alternate sets using the regular basketball.
The idea behind using the medicine ball is to trick your nervous system to perform a faster movement when the drill/exercise is being done using a basketball.