Types of Kalsarpa Yoga
- Kalsarpa yoga is based on planetary alignment and astrology.good orbit image by Dave from Fotolia.com
Kalsarpa Yoga, founded on the Indian Vedic horoscope, is based on all seven planets being located between the moon's north and south nodes -- Rahu and Ketu. There are 10 general impacts of Kalsarpa Yoga: hurdles involving work; challenges to mental peace; low self-esteem; health issues; poverty; job loss; tensions and anxieties; strained relations with family and friends; treachery from associates and less help from family or friends. - Rahu is in the first house, Ketu in the seventh house and the other planets to the left. This yoga is reputed to provide windfall gains, but it also can negatively affect marital bliss.
- Rahu is in the second house, Ketu is in the eighth house, a bad combination for health. There is a high chance of accidents and loss for these people, and they might suffer financial hardships.
- Rahu is in the third house, Ketu is in the ninth house with the remaining planets to the left. This individual will be assailed by problems regarding business and work.
- Rahu appears in the fourth house, Ketu in the 10th house. This yoga controls work. This individual could be born an illegitimate child or have an illegitimate child. This yoga is often associated with anxiety and stress; it also has the power to present high political successes or a windfall in finances.
- Rahu is in the fifth house, Ketu is in the 11th house. This yoga deals with the worry and concern over getting pregnant or keeping children. It also oversees relationships with friends.
- Rahu is in the sixth house, Ketu is in the 12th house. This person has problems with enemies and suffers from diseases. However, there is good influence over politics and power.
- Rahu is in the seventh house, Ketu is in the first house. Speculative tendencies trouble this person in addition to marital unhappiness.
- Rahu is in the eighth house, Ketu is in the second house. The person has many enemies, is short-tempered and should not expect to inherit paternal riches.
- Rahu is in the ninth house, Ketu is in the third house. This individual has many ups and downs in life, is short-tempered and has a habit of telling lies.
- Rahu is in the 10th house, Ketu is in the fourth house. Legal issues plague this individual. However, this yoga also can confer high political powers.
- Rahu is in the 11th house, Ketu is in the fifth house. This is a nomadic person, who can't fix on a permanent place. There are problems with children. One silver lining: He should experience peace in later years.
- Rahu is in the 12th house, Ketu is in the sixth house. This individual will encounter many problems with litigation and health issues -- as well as an abundance of enemies.
Anant Kalsarpa Yoga
Kulik Kalsarpa Yoga
Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga
Shankpal Kalsarpa Yoga
Padam Kalsarpa Yoga
Mahapadam Kalsarpa Yoga
Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga
Karkotak Kalsarpa Yoga
Shankachood Kalsarpa Yoga
Ghatak Kalsarpa Yoga
Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga
Sheshnag Kalsarpa Yoga