The Average Salary of Journeyman Electricians in Arkansas
- The average salary of a journeyman electrician working in Arkansas was $49,172 as of June 2011, according to CareerBuilder. The job-listing website said the average salary range was $37,909 to $66,299.
- Journeyman electricians in Arkansas earned less than the national average, according to June 2011 data from CareerBuilder. The average national salary was $58,518, with a range from $45,115 to $78,901.
- Journeyman electricians earn more than just their base pay. According to the wage-tracking website Salary, in June 2011 a journeyman electrician with 15 years experience working in the state's capitol, Little Rock, could expect benefits to include $587 of bonuses, $3,628 of Social Security, $1,802 of 401(k) contributions, $332 of disability insurance, $6,507 of health-care coverage, $3,035 toward a pension and $5,836 worth of time off.
- The job outlook for all electricians is good, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The bureau predicts job growth to reach 12 percent during the 10-year period from 2008 to 2018. An increasing U.S. population will require more stores, homes and schools that will need wiring. Also, emerging green energy, such as solar panels, require electricians for installation.
Average Salary
Compared to National Average
Job Outlook