What’S the Devil Doing in Egypt?
The Devil seems to be quickly advancing his plan to terrorize, and ultimately silence Christians in Egypt and the world. September 11th, 2012 the US Embassy in Libya was stormed by ravenous protesters who were supposedly enraged by an inflammatory film about their prophet Muhammad. As a result the US Ambassador, Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, were killed. There is some information coming out that suggests this may have been an Al Qaeda influenced attack to commemorate the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The film that seemed to have thrown gasoline on the fire is a poorly made film with little or no production value. It appears as if it was created with cheap costumes and a green screen, then slapped together with a discount video editing software from Best Buy. It is hard to believe that this was the cause of such wide sweeping violence. If it was then the problem wasn't Islamic pride it was low IQ!
It has been reported that an Islamic cleric called for protest to stop the film from being released into theaters in America, but I believe this could actually be a clever plot to change American laws of free speech. One idiot with a camcorder has sparked off huge riots that have caused lives and could even jeopardize the security of Israel in the long run. The spirit of revolt in Muslim countries spreads like wildfire and the Holy Land is always in the cross hairs. Lets face it these matters are gut wrenching and they upset our ability to live in a fantasy world that consists of our own personal desires and ambitions. We think the world revolves around us and if that delusion is disrupted we will do anything to protect it, even if we have to sell ourselves down the river to do so.
We have condemned the idiotic film that started the killing and could pass laws to prevent this from happening again. Sometimes bad things happen with good intentions and this would be the case with any such laws prohibiting religious free speech. These murderous riots are so disruptive to the worlds peace that it could be viewed as a necessary move to create laws that would restrict free speech in the US when it comes to religion. These laws would quickly become a huge club used to beat Christians over the head with. Ministers would no longer be allowed to preach the Biblical truth from the pulpit. Anything viewed as intolerant would be painted with the brush of inflammatory hate speech.
Ministers would be arrested soon after delivering their Sunday sermons. Oh, they would be defiant at first, refusing to be silent they would continue to preach the Biblical truth as it pertains to homosexuality, anti-Christ religions etc. However, after being arrested and jailed repeatedly it would become too costly and many would lose their resolve. The American church would eventually fall into line and shut their mouths.
Ultimately we would have churches like the communist controlled churches in the Soviet Union. Cold, dead, and totally censored. True Christianity, for the first time in our history, would be underground. Who knows, perhaps the American church would be more alive than ever then, but we cannot afford to find out. We must not let this happen. We, as Christians, must be fully aware that this is happening and it is a big part of Satan's strategy against the body of Christ.
The Devil is alive and well in the Middle East and he is tightening his death grip on Israel. Riots and political coups in Middle Eastern countries controlled by Islamic organizations are changing the landscape, and Israel is in direct danger. The leaders of these countries are one by one being ousted by force, and being replaced by the new guard. One that has a regenerated hatred of Israel and a burning desire to have them removed from the planet.
The American government says it will not negotiate with terrorist, but in a round about way we do. When Muslims lash out with protests, riots, or terrorist acts we end up giving the governments of countries like Egypt and Libya the benefit of the doubt by concluding that the violence was perpetrated by a handful of radicals and was out of the governments control. In an attempt to regain the peace we make concessions, say pretty please and handout money to appease them.
The US government has donated over a billion dollars to the Islamic Brotherhood. Are we crazy?
Today Hillary Clinton addressed the world to condemn the instigating video and in so doing she proclaimed Islam as a €Great religion€. A great religion? Really? Hillary Clinton is a Christian. She is a very intelligent person to boot. Shouldn't she know that Islam is an anti-Christ religion? It is a religion that hates and kills Jews and Christians. She should know it, in fact she does know it. Hillary Clinton did what all politicians and statesmen do with Islamic difficulty. She bowed down to it. A good indication of what the US government will do if the hordes of violent protesters should keep pushing, and the Devil knows it. He is softening the US with every hit to the gut. Oh, by the way, Hillary is not alone in bowing down to this anti-Christ religion. In recent years Pope Benedict XVI found himself at odds with Muslims when he commented that some of the teachings of Islam's founder is €evil and inhuman.€ In the Popes response to Islamic pressure for an apology he stated that he has respect for the Islamic religion. Isn't that amazing? He respects an anti-Christ religion.
We have been at war with Islamic terrorism for more than 10 years now and we are tired. Furthermore we have grown tired of religious quarrels that threaten our American lives. These so called quarrels are always brought to violence by the Muslims, however Atheist activists spin the issue to denigrate Christians, and assign blame as a 50/50 participant. This defines the modern American mind set that is pushing God further and further away. Gods judgment is sure to follow should we not repent and embrace Him again.
With the recent developments in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran, we seem to be headed toward Armageddon at an alarming rate. We cannot allow the Devils agenda in the Middle East to silence our Christian American voice. If we lose our will to defend our rights of free speech and freedom of religion we will be driven underground. This is exactly what the ACLU, and other organizations with atheistic agenda's would like to have happen.
The film that seemed to have thrown gasoline on the fire is a poorly made film with little or no production value. It appears as if it was created with cheap costumes and a green screen, then slapped together with a discount video editing software from Best Buy. It is hard to believe that this was the cause of such wide sweeping violence. If it was then the problem wasn't Islamic pride it was low IQ!
It has been reported that an Islamic cleric called for protest to stop the film from being released into theaters in America, but I believe this could actually be a clever plot to change American laws of free speech. One idiot with a camcorder has sparked off huge riots that have caused lives and could even jeopardize the security of Israel in the long run. The spirit of revolt in Muslim countries spreads like wildfire and the Holy Land is always in the cross hairs. Lets face it these matters are gut wrenching and they upset our ability to live in a fantasy world that consists of our own personal desires and ambitions. We think the world revolves around us and if that delusion is disrupted we will do anything to protect it, even if we have to sell ourselves down the river to do so.
We have condemned the idiotic film that started the killing and could pass laws to prevent this from happening again. Sometimes bad things happen with good intentions and this would be the case with any such laws prohibiting religious free speech. These murderous riots are so disruptive to the worlds peace that it could be viewed as a necessary move to create laws that would restrict free speech in the US when it comes to religion. These laws would quickly become a huge club used to beat Christians over the head with. Ministers would no longer be allowed to preach the Biblical truth from the pulpit. Anything viewed as intolerant would be painted with the brush of inflammatory hate speech.
Ministers would be arrested soon after delivering their Sunday sermons. Oh, they would be defiant at first, refusing to be silent they would continue to preach the Biblical truth as it pertains to homosexuality, anti-Christ religions etc. However, after being arrested and jailed repeatedly it would become too costly and many would lose their resolve. The American church would eventually fall into line and shut their mouths.
Ultimately we would have churches like the communist controlled churches in the Soviet Union. Cold, dead, and totally censored. True Christianity, for the first time in our history, would be underground. Who knows, perhaps the American church would be more alive than ever then, but we cannot afford to find out. We must not let this happen. We, as Christians, must be fully aware that this is happening and it is a big part of Satan's strategy against the body of Christ.
The Devil is alive and well in the Middle East and he is tightening his death grip on Israel. Riots and political coups in Middle Eastern countries controlled by Islamic organizations are changing the landscape, and Israel is in direct danger. The leaders of these countries are one by one being ousted by force, and being replaced by the new guard. One that has a regenerated hatred of Israel and a burning desire to have them removed from the planet.
The American government says it will not negotiate with terrorist, but in a round about way we do. When Muslims lash out with protests, riots, or terrorist acts we end up giving the governments of countries like Egypt and Libya the benefit of the doubt by concluding that the violence was perpetrated by a handful of radicals and was out of the governments control. In an attempt to regain the peace we make concessions, say pretty please and handout money to appease them.
The US government has donated over a billion dollars to the Islamic Brotherhood. Are we crazy?
Today Hillary Clinton addressed the world to condemn the instigating video and in so doing she proclaimed Islam as a €Great religion€. A great religion? Really? Hillary Clinton is a Christian. She is a very intelligent person to boot. Shouldn't she know that Islam is an anti-Christ religion? It is a religion that hates and kills Jews and Christians. She should know it, in fact she does know it. Hillary Clinton did what all politicians and statesmen do with Islamic difficulty. She bowed down to it. A good indication of what the US government will do if the hordes of violent protesters should keep pushing, and the Devil knows it. He is softening the US with every hit to the gut. Oh, by the way, Hillary is not alone in bowing down to this anti-Christ religion. In recent years Pope Benedict XVI found himself at odds with Muslims when he commented that some of the teachings of Islam's founder is €evil and inhuman.€ In the Popes response to Islamic pressure for an apology he stated that he has respect for the Islamic religion. Isn't that amazing? He respects an anti-Christ religion.
We have been at war with Islamic terrorism for more than 10 years now and we are tired. Furthermore we have grown tired of religious quarrels that threaten our American lives. These so called quarrels are always brought to violence by the Muslims, however Atheist activists spin the issue to denigrate Christians, and assign blame as a 50/50 participant. This defines the modern American mind set that is pushing God further and further away. Gods judgment is sure to follow should we not repent and embrace Him again.
With the recent developments in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran, we seem to be headed toward Armageddon at an alarming rate. We cannot allow the Devils agenda in the Middle East to silence our Christian American voice. If we lose our will to defend our rights of free speech and freedom of religion we will be driven underground. This is exactly what the ACLU, and other organizations with atheistic agenda's would like to have happen.